US Presidental Race : 2020

Who is taking the US Presidential Election ?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Kanye West

    Votes: 36 29.0%

  • Total voters
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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Also, the short term has been bad for four years now!! This country is bitterly divided on racial lines thanks to the wildfire spread of white supremacy, the economy wasn’t all that great before the pandemic (and the national debt is inching ever higher into the trillions), and oh yeah, he called a disease that killed 230K Americans SO FAR a “hoax” instead of doing a single constructive thing to help!! Fuck this “Biden’s bad for now and later” business, Donnie has never been anything resembling a competent leader :kriwhat:

Fallen Prince

Trump s entire political career
- Birther movement against obama
-Mocking disable journalist
-Fake trump university
- Openly brags about assaulting woman
- calls alt right fine people
-Russia interference
-No tax returns
-DOJ interference and obstruction according to Mueller report
-Accusing Kamala harris of being outsider
-Spreads conspiracy theories about black lives matter

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Trump s entire political career
- Birther movement against obama
-Mocking disable journalist
-Fake trump university
- Openly brags about assaulting woman
- calls alt right fine people
-Russia interference
-No tax returns
-DOJ interference and obstruction according to Mueller report
-Accusing Kamala harris of being outsider
-Spreads conspiracy theories about black lives matter
If it walks, talks, and looks like a racist, IT’S A FUCKIN’ RACIST :luuh:
All things considered, I’d rather have an adult at the helm after four years of a sniveling baby. Biden isn’t my first, second, or third choice, but he’s still higher on the list than Donnie. I hate a lot of his policies, and I hope he’ll listen to the few progressives in the Senate to enact positive, tangible changes (not optimistic on that)...but again, this is still a huge improvement for us in the short term, we can worry about the long term later.
No offence, but I don’t think America is ready for the likes of Yang, Bernie or even Warren or Buttigieg.

The US is essentially a far right, reactionary, under-educated nation with incredible voter disenfranchisement, uncritical journalism and unhinged nationalism. Basically every other first world country has decided that collectively working to benefit society through programs such as Medicare and taking guns out of civilian hands is worth sacrificing individual freedoms. In America? Asking people to wear a mask provokes mass protests and is apparently communism. Literally any policy to the left of outright Nazism is labelled socialist and people actually believe it. Congrats to Biden and the Democrats but the US as a nation is fucked. Hello Chinese supremacy.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
No offence, but I don’t think America is ready for the likes of Yang, Bernie or even Warren or Buttigieg.

The US is essentially a far right, reactionary, under-educated nation with incredible voter disenfranchisement, uncritical journalism and unhinged nationalism. Basically every other first world country has decided that collectively working to benefit society through programs such as Medicare and taking guns out of civilian hands is worth sacrificing individual freedoms. In America? Asking people to wear a mask provokes mass protests and is apparently communism. Literally any policy to the left of outright Nazism is labelled socialist and people actually believe it. Congrats to Biden and the Democrats but the US as a nation is fucked. Hello Chinese supremacy.
Bro, you don’t have to tell won’t see a shred of evidence here or elsewhere of me saying Biden is necessarily GOOD for America. The problem with choosing the lesser of two evils is that you’re still choosing evil...and after so many decades of that mindset, the proletariat can be led to believe they don’t deserve things in their best interests like M4A or student loan forgiveness. People actually start to think they DON’T deserve a socialist structure whereby they might achieve something closer to the obsolete American “dream” and will actively reject it because that stubborn mentality has gotten so ingrained in their minds. It’s sad, really, and it’ll take nothing less than a renaissance of the human spirit to disavow some folks of this notion. Joe is not the one to inspire such an enlightenment, but Donnie actively quashed it, so again, a net gain is still a gain.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
All things considered, I’d rather have an adult at the helm after four years of a sniveling baby. Biden isn’t my first, second, or third choice, but he’s still higher on the list than Donnie. I hate a lot of his policies, and I hope he’ll listen to the few progressives in the Senate to enact positive, tangible changes (not optimistic on that)...but again, this is still a huge improvement for us in the short term, we can worry about the long term later.
Biden's a creepy, racist old man who constantly contradicts himself. His brain fired too lol.

When Trump took office, he cut taxes on the rich and made the middle class owe taxes. I lost $600 dollars on my tax returns, one of my aunts went from getting 2k to owing 300 and one of cousins whent from getting 3k to owing 4k. Lots of people pissed off and hated Trump since. Trump was also very rude and sarcastic which made it easy to take his comments out of context along with being very undiplomatic in confronting Russia, North Korea and China, making people believe he would isolate America and escalate tension. Trump also talked down lots of leftist with his mantra that your opinions are irrelevant, you just need to do a good job and all will be fine. He divided a lot of people.

We actually started so see results....America's economy started to increase, it became energy independent, international conflicts decreased and unemployment was very low...then Coranavirus happened and everyone got pissed again.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Covid-19 was really Donald Trump's Bane, the thing that ruined his economical bilan and revealed to many the true limits and weaknesses behind his neverending show of bravado. The fact that he ended being infected by it is only more karmic.
He could even still die from it, if he follows the same timeline as Herman Cain (WHO CAUGHT IT AT ONE OF DONNIE’S RALLIES)...too bad he’s about to lose access to the best healthcare the US government can provide (to the crooked asswipes who propagate it and nobody else).
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