Spoiler Record of Ragnarok (RoR)/Shuumatsu no Valkyrie

What is the best fight in the series?

  • Lu Bu vs Thor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Adam vs Zeus

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Sasaki Kojiro vs Poseidon

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • Jack The Ripper vs Hercules

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • Raiden Tameemon vs Shiva

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buddha vs Zerofuku/Hajin

    Votes: 4 13.8%

  • Total voters

Light D Lamperouge

๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–š๐–‘๐–‰ ๐•ณ๐–†๐–›๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–Š๐–Š๐–“
I thought that this could be a fun discussion to have here.

If you folks could choose any individual from history or a deity from a religion and place them into the world of RoR or a sequel to RoR as a character, who would you chose?

@Admiral Lee Hung @Light D Lamperouge @Kejon @nik87 @Zoro D Goat @Sadistic Senpai @Jorden625 @Yo Tan Wa @volsnap @Constantine @Starbound Beast D. Draig @Ace @Finalbeta
This is an excellent question.

When it comes to humans I'd like to see the following:

> Alexander the Great

> David, the one who beat Goliath

No one else comes to mind right now, or the others have already mentioned them.

When it comes to Gods, it's even more tricky lmao. Most of the Gods are already there. I guess maybe

> Hades

> Ra

and the rest are either there or already mentioned, like Jupiter or Seth.

I am really looking forward to seeing how they depict Nikola Tesla. He's a genius scientist from my country, we even have his picture on a 100 dinar bill lmao.

Also changed my top 10 a little.
Randgriz got dropped and Hrist moved to 10th place while currently number 9 is Okita Souji

Will probably bump him up the more he shows.
For the humans, I would actually go with 3 choices.

Alexander the Great

I actually donโ€™t know why Alexander isnโ€™t present here lol. I guess because the empire he conquered, despite being the largest empire of the time, was smaller than Qin Shi Huangโ€™s unified China when it was eventually United.

But Qin Shi Huang was an emperor who sat inside of his throne room for basically his entire career. China was United by his armies, but QSH himself basically sat in his throne room not doing much during the time.

Alexander however, was a frontline fighting warrior King who acted as a commanding General and a frontline cavalry-man in all of his battles lol. There were a few occasions where Alexander was said to have personally slain the commander of the enemy armies that opposed him during his quest to utterly dominate the entirety of Western Asia lol. Sure these are just legends, but this is a fanservice manga and I think theyโ€™d be extremely fun to see in a manga lol.

Alexander was also personally instructed in his youth by Aristotle, which for those of you who arenโ€™t that familiar with Greek philosophers...Aristotle is the GOAT. He was personally taught by Plato who was taught by Socrates, and Aristotleโ€™s philosophical ideas and accomplishments transcend both of them.

And yeah, this guy was Alexanderโ€™s childhood teacher. No wonder the dude conquered basically the entire known world to the west at the time lol.
Yeah, I did always wonder why Alexander the Great was not on the list. Hell, none of the great strategists from the Mediterranean Antiquety period of history are present. Scipio, Caesar, Hannibal and big daddy Alexander are all absent.

Alexander would definitely be the best one out of the bunch as (according to Plutarch) he was acknowledged by Hannibal as being โ€œThe greatest generalโ€ (along with Pyrrhus but we donโ€™t talk about him :kappa:) when asked by Scipio.

Another big name historical conquerer that was weirdly left out was Genghis Khan. The bloke created the largest continuous land empire to have ever existed, conquering nearly all of Asia and Eastern Europe while flattening dozens of advanced (for the time) civilizations.

By comparison, having Qin Shi Huang is pretty strange, especially considering that it was Wang Jian that did most of the work. Lol. I guess we will see what RoR QSH is made of when he appears.
George Washington.

Hear me out.

Iโ€™m not a fanboy of any figures in US history, but the legends about Washington himself are actually pretty scary.

Unlike the rest of the US founding fathers (or at least most of them), Washington was not a politician or a statesmen, he was the best General that the rebels had at the time. He was voted to be the first President of the US not because of his political skill, but because he was an extremely popular war hero unlike the rest of the Founding Fathers.

The scary legends about Washington involve tails about his own physical strength which are historically false but could make for a fun backstory in series, but my favorite legend about George was that his teeth were made of wood...which in and of itself is a bastardization of the REAL legend about Washingtonโ€™s teeth, that he would sometimes take teeth off of animal corpses and shove them into his mouth as a replacement for his real teeth that had fallen out.

The legends about Washington were that he killed Bears, Wolves, and Horses, and would use their teeth as his own.

Yeah. So combine this legend with other legends about his strength and such, and youโ€™d have the makings for a terrifying manga version of him lol. Essentially the public image we know of George would be a facade for a savage monster who had beast-teeth and unnatural strength and extreme bloodlust lol.

I think this would be awesome.
Holy shit. Where has this version of George Washington been all my life? That sounds hilariously awesome. :rolaugh:

I now have this mental image of all the Yanks in the crowd going wild after Heimdall announces that George Washington is the next representative for humanity all while John Adams and Thomas Jefferson look at each other in horror of what is about to be revealed.:suresure:

You guys probably know the stories of the irl Blackbeard so I wonโ€™t rant here. Whitebeardโ€™s death, where he took hundreds of bullets and stabs or whatever and his body kept standing after he died, is actually plagiarized from the real Blackbeardโ€™s death, where he was killed after taking dozens of stab wounds and bullets, but his body was rumored to stay standing for several minutes after his death, so they beheaded him and threw his body into the ocean. Which it then circled the ship the Navy was on for half an hour lol.

The irl Blackbeard was a enormous monster man who regularly engaged in horrific torture and embarked on pirate suicide missions and came out on top every time until his death. You guys should go look up stories of him lol.

The God side is a bit trickier. My favorite fictional God is Oden and heโ€™s already present and looking like a true BAMF lol. So I had to a more obscure one:
Seth (Egyptian)

God of Deserts, Storms, Violence, Disorder, and Foreigners. Read up on this bamf here.


And set the mood with some Blackened Death Metal @Zenos7
Aye, Blackbeard is the big daddy of all pirates and one of the most famous criminals of all time so he would be a fantastic choice. Lol.

As for Gods, most famous pantheons have been touched upon already though some certainly get more representation than others (Norse and Greek. Lol).

That said, no deities from Mesoamerica or South America have been represented. The Aztec pantheon would be the most famous of these with the big names from that pantheon being Quetzalcoatl and the sun god, Huitzilopochtli.

Huitzilopochtli could be interesting because in Aztec mythology, he needs human sacrifices for nourishment and strength, so he could be the one God that actually needs humans in order to either have any power or even to live, which would put him in an uniquely awkward position compared to the other Gods of RoR.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Another big name historical conquerer that was weirdly left out was Genghis Khan. The bloke created the largest continuous land empire to have ever existed, conquering nearly all of Asia and Eastern Europe while flattening dozens of advanced (for the time) civilizations.
I think the writer picked Qin Shi Huang because of how incredible a unified China was when it actually happened but..yeah I think Alexander would've been a better conqueror lol.

I don't know much about Genghis Khan other than that he was a famous conqueror from long ago lol. I may need to brush up on the details of him. Really in retrospect I feel like QSH wasn't the best choice to represent the "Conquerors" of History..I wonder if the writer is planning to do something about QSH's quest to become "Immortal" long after he had conquered China lol. Like instead of the fight revolving around him being a conqueror, the fight will be more about the "Immortal" Gods vs the human who came the closest to immortality? Or something like that lol.

I now have this mental image of all the Yanks in the crowd going wild after Heimdall announces that George Washington is the next representative for humanity all while John Adams and Thomas Jefferson look at each other in horror of what is about to be revealed.:suresure:
Imagine Jefferson:

The truth is that we rigged the election to get Washington into office...the British were terrified of him for his brutality on the battlefield, and so we forced his election to keep them from attacking us for a little while longer...Lol

Huitzilopochtli could be interesting because in Aztec mythology, he needs human sacrifices for nourishment and strength, so he could be the one God that actually needs humans in order to either have any power or even to live, which would put him in an uniquely awkward position compared to the other Gods of RoR.
You know I was wondering about this as well but..

Hercules stated that he is against ending mankind but...wasn't it stated that the vote to end Humanity had to be unanimous for the Gods to go forward with that plan? Did Hercules vote to end humanity despite not wanting to end humanity? Maybe this will be addressed as I haven't read the series in a few days, but yeah lol.

On the subject of characters I would add, there is one character I would change, and that character is Ares lol. Ares comes off as an ignorant buffoon who is scared of his brother Hermes. He looks strong AF which we might expect from the God of War, but I'm baffled as to why Hermes is being portrayed as his superior lol. Idk.
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Ya know @Owl Ki I just thought of a really fun fight lol. George Washington vs Anubis.

Anubis was the Egyptian God of Death, and iirc he decided which souls would make it into the afterlife.

The story of the fight would be that Anubis knew Washington in life, as Anubis remembered the days where the mangled corpses of Washington's enemies came to him and he would have to ferry them to the next life. Anubis would've thought that Washington was the only human to ever make him experience fear and disgust due to how hard Washington's enemies had been massacred lol.

Idk. Sounds like a fun battle in my head lmfao.
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Light D Lamperouge

๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–š๐–‘๐–‰ ๐•ณ๐–†๐–›๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–Š๐–Š๐–“
Ya know @Owl Ki I just thought of a really fun fight lol. George Washington vs Anubis.

Anubis was the Egyptian God of Death, and iirc he decided which souls would make it into the afterlife.

The story of the fight would be that Anubis knew Washington in life, as Anubis remembered the days where the mangled corpses of Washington's enemies came to him and he would have to ferry them to the next life. Anubis would've thought that Washington was the only human to ever make him experience fear and disgust due to how hard Washington's enemies had been massacred lol.

Idk. Sounds like a fun battle in my head lmfao.
It does lol. I was up for Hades and thought about Anubis too, but felt if Hades is there Anubis wouldn't be. Have you caught up yet? If not, which chapter are you on?

Light D Lamperouge

๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–š๐–‘๐–‰ ๐•ณ๐–†๐–›๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–Š๐–Š๐–“
I'm just about to start Hercules vs Jack lol. Haven't read in a few days, will probably get some in tonight.
Aight. It's an amazing battle. Let us know what you think after it. Won't spoil anything for you.
You know I was wondering about this as well but..

Hercules stated that he is against ending mankind but...wasn't it stated that the vote to end Humanity had to be unanimous for the Gods to go forward with that plan? Did Hercules vote to end humanity despite not wanting to end humanity? Maybe this will be addressed as I haven't read the series in a few days, but yeah lol.
Aye, what happened there is that Heracles did not have a vote since he is not a God but a Demigod like the Valkiyres.
On the subject of characters I would add, there is one character I would change, and that character is Ares lol. Ares comes off as an ignorant buffoon who is scared of his brother Hermes. He looks strong AF which we might expect from the God of War, but I'm baffled as to why Hermes is being portrayed as his superior lol. Idk.
Yeah, that one is strange. Hermes, the Greek messenger God, has gotten way more portrayel than I would have expected him to and Ares, the literal Greek god of war is just... Kinda there, Lol.

Ares looks cool and all but damn he just does not do much, all while getting verbally schooled by Hermes. Lol.
Ya know @Owl Ki I just thought of a really fun fight lol. George Washington vs Anubis.

Anubis was the Egyptian God of Death, and iirc he decided which souls would make it into the afterlife.

The story of the fight would be that Anubis knew Washington in life, as Anubis remembered the days where the mangled corpses of Washington's enemies came to him and he would have to ferry them to the next life. Anubis would've thought that Washington was the only human to ever make him experience fear and disgust due to how hard Washington's enemies had been massacred lol.

Idk. Sounds like a fun battle in my head lmfao.
Monster Washington sounds fun in general. :sadgrin:
It does lol. I was up for Hades and thought about Anubis too, but felt if Hades is there Anubis wouldn't be. Have you caught up yet? If not, which chapter are you on?
I do not think the Gods interfere with each other much. Shiva was described as "the strongest God of Destruction by far", meaning that there are other gods of destruction.

Aye, my memory got jogged and I remembered this panel.
So Hades does exist in RoR. We just have not seen him yet. Lol.
Also changed my top 10 a little.
Randgriz got dropped and Hrist moved to 10th place while currently number 9 is Okita Souji

Will probably bump him up the more he shows.
Here is a little trivia I found on little Okita. :catpole:
Another bit of trivia, the designs and personalities of Okita Souji and Kondo Isami seem to originate from another manga called Requiem of the Shogun, a series that runs in the same magazine (Comic Zenon) as Record of Ragnarรถk and which also has the involvement of Umamura Shinya.
Requiem of the Shogun, Volume 21.

Record of Ragnarรถk, Chapter 30.

https://mangasee123.com/search/?author=UMEMURA Shinya
I might as well also add this bit of info I found for you and Major to see. :bignews:
Aye, thanks to @Zoro D Goat for showing me this thread. :willsmith:

Anyway, I was browsing the wiki for this manga and found that (according to the wiki article) Simo Hayhaโ€™s design apparently got revealed on the artistโ€™s Twitter account.

Light D Lamperouge

๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–š๐–‘๐–‰ ๐•ณ๐–†๐–›๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–Š๐–Š๐–“
Aye, what happened there is that Heracles did not have a vote since he is not a God but a Demigod like the Valkiyres.

Yeah, that one is strange. Hermes, the Greek messenger God, has gotten way more portrayel than I would have expected him to and Ares, the literal Greek god of war is just... Kinda there, Lol.

Ares looks cool and all but damn he just does not do much, all while getting verbally schooled by Hermes. Lol.

Monster Washington sounds fun in general. :sadgrin:

I do not think the Gods interfere with each other much. Shiva was described as "the strongest God of Destruction by far", meaning that there are other gods of destruction.

Aye, my memory got jogged and I remembered this panel.
So Hades does exist in RoR. We just have not seen him yet. Lol.

Here is a little trivia I found on little Okita. :catpole:

I might as well also add this bit of info I found for you and Major to see. :bignews:
Oh nice thanks for sharing Owl. Can't wait for more chapters.

Btw, who are your top 10 faves? Don't remember seeing it.
Oh nice thanks for sharing Owl. Can't wait for more chapters.

Btw, who are your top 10 faves? Don't remember seeing it.
Yeah, I have not really thought about a Top 10 list for RoR much. Lol. Off the top of my head, so far I would go with;

I) Adam.
II) Sasaki Kojiro.
III) Jack the Ripper.
IV) Heracles.
V) Buddha.
VI) Brunhilde.
VII) Thor.
VII) Loki.
IX) Lu Bu.
X) Hrist.

Light D Lamperouge

๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–š๐–‘๐–‰ ๐•ณ๐–†๐–›๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–Š๐–Š๐–“
Yeah, I have not really thought about a Top 10 list for RoR much. Lol. Off the top of my head, so far I would go with;

I) Adam.
II) Sasaki Kojiro.
III) Jack the Ripper.
IV) Heracles.
V) Buddha.
VI) Brunhilde.
VII) Thor.
VII) Loki.
IX) Lu Bu.
X) Hrist.
Good list. You've already seen mine. I guess we have a lot of them in common.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
How humans like Adam fight Gods basically?

Gods are nerfed to the human level stats or Adam gets buffed to the God level stats?
Youโ€™ll see but there is an explanation (a really cool one). Not to spoil anything lol.
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As you guys can see from my avatar, I may have spoiled myself in my search for a Heracles avatar lmfao. But god damn, I love this version of him. Iโ€™m at the part where he just used his โ€œNemean Lionโ€ attack.
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Warchief Sanji D Goat

I thought that this could be a fun discussion to have here.

If you folks could choose any individual from history or a deity from a religion and place them into the world of RoR or a sequel to RoR as a character, who would you chose?

@Admiral Lee Hung @Light D Lamperouge @Kejon @nik87 @Zoro D Goat @Sadistic Senpai @Jorden625 @Yo Tan Wa @volsnap @Constantine @Starbound Beast D. Draig @Ace @Finalbeta
Ayyy. Sorry for the late reply LOL. Anyway, my picks would be:

Humans - Joseph Stalin (I think he's a cool leader)
Gods - Kratos from God of War:myman:

Light D Lamperouge

๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–š๐–‘๐–‰ ๐•ณ๐–†๐–›๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–Š๐–Š๐–“