Who will eat the next L?

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critical mindset

He went to save Tashigi the supposed damsel in distress from Vergo.
Only to be the actual damsel there.
So stop giving me "the savior" bullshit.

Enlighten this guy pls @critical mindset
The mods delete it, but he just needs to read

Coming Straight Out of left field

Let me show you the biggest trolling that ever occurred in One Piece

I call it...

Coming Straight out of left field

Vergo going in for attack, seemingly with the left leg, then just to mess with Sanji’s head he switches leg and attacks with the right

This makes sense anatomically (you know there is a thing called hip that would need to rotate for that stance to even be possible in the first place) but you need just look at the contour and shape of the foot. It is the right leg
Losing momentum not just from switching leg but also because he bends the leg in a 90 degree angle

And of course he uses the ankle to attack and Sanji checks high so as to have a strong defence, versus Vergo using a poor attacking stance and the weakest part of his leg to attack. Instead Sanji breaks :cheers:

He clashed with the right leg but here you see Vergo doing a roundhouse kick with his left leg. Which means he switched leg yet again and Sanji can barely dodge it

Vergo is kicking so hard he actually heats up the air and creating white flames (hotter than Sanji’s light yellow flames) while looking bored as fuck

Sanji was completely bested by VerGod at his own game

Oda had to use Law to save Sanji’s puppy life

where I explain how Vergo was completely dominating Sanji in the most humiliating way. If he is still not swayed, he is on the cope and can't be saved.
So what? Luffy could fuck up Enel, who was approximately 12875 times stronger than him, because of elemental advantage. Oda cares a lot about putting natural advantages over power levels.

How was Mihawk hardly paying attention to Vista? Do you guys really think that it is so hard to form thoughts and fight someone properly at the same time?

BM was only holding Marco with one hand. She could have just as easily grabbed Napoleon with the other hand and attacked Marco.

Btwcront forget that BM’s basic grab was more threatening to Marco than Kizaru’s strongest attack
I mean, grabs/sealing are a counter to regen and kind of Marco’s weakness. It’s also unclear if Big Mom let Marco or not, he might have broke out on his own

Linlin: Marco! If you wanna kiil me, save it for next time!!!
Linlin: I don't have any souls I can use against you at the moment!!

That’s not something you say to to someone you think is fodder.

Post automatically merged:

So Marco’s more scared of a random arrow from Pero than Kizaru’s strongest attack :mihanha:
It’s a bit weird to cuz didn’t Marco take lasers to the face?
Big Mom grabbing Marco by the neck is an L? But Marco didn't take any damage though??

Isn't this Meme fans no.1 excuse "b-but look! She took no damage so it's not an L! Doesn't matter if she was overpowered, rolled away, countered, etc"

Btw, I don't think Meme looked that bad in this chapter, I am just using the cringe Vista arguments to show how stupid these arguments are.
It's just plot, no need to worry about it too much


You can't win
Linlin: Marco! If you wanna kiil me, save it for next time!!!

Linlin: I don't have any souls I can use against you at the moment!! (Puck Note: I'd like to interpret this as Lilin saying that she can't afford to waste any souls on Marco atm but I need more context to deduce that so will go with the literal interpretation ^^")
Big Mom admits that not only Marco can kill her, but that she prefers running away because their battle will take too much time

Conclusion: Marco was a small fry :josad:
I think this proves not that Big Mom is weak but that first commanders really are much stronger than other top commanders.
Wtf are you going on about... She literally did the same shit to Judge. Grab him and shock him with Zeus. She had Zeus on the other hand.

This is literally plot because Oda wants Marco alive, starting with him being a doctor and healing Onis.
Bruhh stopp

How long do you want people to protect them

Let them stand up for themselves for once
Im happy Sanji isnt saving them. Shit gets too repetitive.

- He saved them from Enel

- He saved them from Jabra

- He saved Nami from Absaldom

- He saved Curly Hats from Doffy

Like it would be nice if he saved them from a Calamity or something. But P1 and Ulti are not worth Sanji going all the way back. For fucking once I want Nami and Usopp to hold their own. Im so proud of my girl Nami taking that damage and still being concious. They need to stop being babied by Sanji.
I logically know yall right and i want the same tbh but still blaming sanji is helping me cope seeing them like that lol

Translation by @PuckTheGreat from baratie.xyz

Lilin: So annoying!! Being so far away from the battlefield!

Linlin: Don't bring your petty problems to me!! Do what you want!!

Linlin: Marco! If you wanna kiil me, save it for next time!!!

Linlin: I don't have any souls I can use against you at the moment!! (Puck Note: I'd like to interpret this as Lilin saying that she can't afford to waste any souls on Marco atm but I need more context to deduce that so will go with the literal interpretation ^^")

Wanda: Go Marco!! Leave this guy to us!!

Perorin: .......!!

???: Gyaaaaa! Save me!! I'll turn into a demon!!

???: Guooooh!!!

Marco: What the hell is that!?
So much for Marco being a match and threat to Big Mom.
Wtf are you going on about... She literally did the same shit to Judge. Grab him and shock him with Zeus. She had Zeus on the other hand.

This is literally plot because Oda wants Marco alive, starting with him being a doctor and healing Onis.
Linlin: Marco! If you wanna kiil me, save it for next time!!!
Linlin: I don't have any souls I can use against you at the moment!!

I mean, that’s not something you say to someone you think is trash.
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