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Oh shit Ulti might crave for Dango and end up taking away her mask
Tama's Dango probably only works on smile users because their animal half has an independent will, like we've seen from Babanuki and Holdem. Zoan users that have full control of their powers will be immune to Tama.
So stop trolling Hara. Go to bed you have uni 2morrow :goatasure:


Hustlerversity Graduate
Tama's Dango probably only works on smile users because their animal half has an independent will, like we've seen from Babanuki and Holdem. Zoan users that have full control of their powers will be immune to Tama.
So stop trolling Hara. Go to bed you have uni 2morrow :goatasure:
We have never seen Tama using it on actual zoan

We know that Zoan users have a real animal DNA as stated by Chopper, so...

Kibi Dango might work :kayneshrug:


We have never seen Tama using it on actual zoan

We know that Zoan users have a real animal DNA as stated by Chopper, so...

Kibi Dango might work :kayneshrug:
But the animal part of the true zoans doesn't have a will of its own like smiles. Either way, even if Tama's ability works on true zoans (which is still very very unlikely) Ulti-Chan is protected :blush: