your essay really didnt add anything to our conversation which i didnt already address?!
pointing out double standards is no ad hominem. generalizing people is not ad hominem. Now whether his generalization applies to you or not, thats not for me to decide. But even though he is generalizing people, he is still pointing out a double standard and therefore flaw in argumentation, this is clearly not ad hominem lol.
Pointing out double standards can also be an ad hominem fallacy called tu quoque even when they are true if, like in this case, they are used to diminish a position (the possibility of the official English translation being wrong).
Generalizing people can be used as a basis for an ad hominem because those aren't excluding arguments.
The generalization doesn't need to truly apply to the specific individual for it to work as an ad hominem fallacy, that's part of the ad hominem fallacies of poisoning the well and guilt by association. So it isn't about whether it applies to me or not as an individual.
His pointing of a double standard is void and an ad hominem fallacy because, first, he lacks actual knowledge on whether the people commenting here are really hypocritical; and second, by alluding to a double standard specifically involving official translations he's indeed diminishing any argument the "Sanji fans" may propose regarding this particular piece of official translation. By bringing that up he's attacking the validity of the original post and its defenders because they allegedly belong to a group that, by virtue of their personal characteristics, can't be credited as credible in their points.
In other words: "Sanji fans are hypocrites when it comes to official translations because of their biases; you are a Sanji fan (am I?), therefore your doubts about this official translation shouldn't be taken into account since you are following your bias". As I said, he's poisoning the well at least, and that's indeed an ad hominem.