These are some wallie coming from you and I am not always a fan of big posters because most of the times, scums hide their behaviour in the depths of the waters to tryna negate players from reading it. You are more experienced than half of the players here combined and I found it quite amusing how your accussation against TAC is somewhat similar to what you did yesterday when I was running the lynch on Tobi and you chose to lynch somebody else instead where it was not going anywhere unless you truly convinced half of the players to switch votes in a matter of couple of hours.
You still haven't explain the significance of your vote yesterday.
I called you out few times last day and even alarmed the invest roles to come at you at night just so we can see through you.
Your vote on TAC doesn't hold waters at all. He was clearly participative and not passive just how you accused him. I can see through TAC if meta play is concerned as I have managed to cause his demise if the last 3 games I played against him. I don't see him as scum at this point.
What bugs me is your infinite attempt to ignore my thoughts against you.
No I did not ignore you, don't worry. But I don't find anything that is logically shallow about my overall voting and in general my overall stance on Tobi. I came out with my explanations and did not cast a simple vote out of the blue, so I don't know what you are trying to infer with this point.
Regardless, if there will be a mass claiming or even if I will simply be forced to claim, I will be fast at doing so, since I have nothing to hide.
But perhaps Kiwipom was the only Investigator in circulation, I wonder if a Sheriff is also a feasible possibility. In that case it can come onto me any night.
About the Exe thing, I would never be so obvious if I truly had flipped one. Even an hypotethical WIFOM play would appear too risky with such a strategical move. But I cannot be hypocritical when it comes to my reads as a townie.