Is Bleach Better than Kingdom?

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I knew she and Sou'Ou were both going to be martial beasts lmfao.

I've never been a fan of the idea of Great Generals being > other highly martial generals like Gyou'Un, Bananji, Kaishibou, etc, for the sole reason that they were great generals and the others were not. I think that's faulty reasoning lol, there are some sub Generals out there who I think could give most GGs a run for their oney.

But yeah, I'm expecting Sou'Ou to be a monstrous fighter as well.

This is how I predict Ousen's commanders are going to end up being:

Akou is both a martial beast and a tactical beast, not only can he go blow for blow with Bananji but he can also replicate some of Ousen's tactics.

Makou was likely light a lite Akou, a bit weaker both martially and tactically but still a monster in both.

Denrimi is probably a tactical genius, but he doesn't have much martial skill.

Sou'Ou is probably a martial beast, but he is a bit weaker tactically (though Sou'Ou has still shown really good sense about the battlefield and all that)
I think SouOu is a newly added member in OuSen's army that's why he's below Denrimi (as felt in the beginning of centre's battle) but SouOu might either be strongest or on same level as Akou.

While SouOu's army also felt very strong. He has Shiryou as lieutenant. We saw previously with only 50 men Shiryou nearly broke through Riboku's HQ and SouOu with 70 riders, in just checking defence quality, destroyed them. Now both together just didn't nearly reached HQ but also had slayed one of Zhao general with ease.

Denrimi and Makao didn't impressed me that much. Lol, and that weird "dancing" of Denrimi felt disgusting.
Spoilers came out last Friday :pepeanger:?

One of the Earl's got smacke by the mono eyed broad :suresure:. If I remember correctcly those two Earl's formed the core strength of Riboku's central army. It will be interesting to see how the battle develops from now on since Ousen is yet to lose a general of his core central army. I will be pissed though if they don't show a bit more of Mouten Banaji Scuffle.
Thanks to Jeeswag from Kingdom Community

Ousen HQ:
Mouten slashes Bananji’s right eye but doesn’t kill him. As Bananji swings down he pulls some Akakin level horsemanship and gets back on his horse before dodging the attack completely. Mouten rallies the nearby Ousen troops to help take out the Bananji troops while telling everyone else to focus on blocking the sides so Ousen can escape to the left.

Riboku’s HQ:
Riboku wonders how they haven’t been able to kill Ousen yet and hopes that they can end it soon since his situation won’t have much freedom any longer. The Earl asks if Shiryou’s a woman before getting sliced in half and Sou’ou says she’s the best woman at night lol. Kaine goes to stop Shiryou next with her troops. Riboku’s HQ soldiers see that the earl is taken out and checks to see the situation on the left. Kinmou is barely holding them back but that won’t last long and he gets frustrated again. In that moment he realizes that the way to stop the HSU is to aim for Karyo Ten and take her out. His soldiers tries to stop him again but he says that he’s a man who can see the flow of battle and can maneuver well enough to get to her location.

Jin’s hand is destroyed to the point where you can see his finger bones. Tan still can’t shoot anything but words out of his mouth. The brothers notice a small group of Zhao soldiers slipping into the HSU. Karyoten says it’s only a matter of time before they can get past the Zhao again. Kinmou brings an archer with him to shoot as they approach Karyoten. Karyoten gets hit twice, knocked off her horse and Kinmou sends out a soldier to finish the job.

No break next week!
This sounds like another great chapter. Thanks to @Arara for the translation. :steef:

Shiryou and Sou Ou’s dynamic is just awesome. This duo are the best two characters in the Ousen Army after Akakin. Speaking of which, I love how Akakin the Troll King is now the bar for top tier horsemanship.:sadgrin:

Is it just me or did Kinmou just sound like an Instinctual General right then? :memehm:

More Mouten vs Bananji. Awesome. :finally:

Jin is sounding like an utter badarse. :myman:

Tan is probably going to become a badarse next chapter and save Ten. I will laugh if Kinmou is killed by Tan after that big speech from his subordinate. :suresure: