Who Got More Hype This Chapter

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So why was Zoro able to cut through Apoo tonfa. Oh I got it, that never happened. Just like Zoro doesn't fight at a low level and increases if he needs to. Thanks for providing me with your two piece copy.

Even if Zoro can cut through Apoo's tonfas it doesn't matter because we know that isn't how Apoo really fights. Apoo doesn't bring out his tonfas unless he's on the defensive which is almost never the case. Apoo got caught by Kidd (sneak/surprise attack) and Zoro/Drake were on him while he was busy attacking other people and calling the numbers. A 1 on 1 would play out completely different.
He couldnt touch Pica at all in the mountain. That would be a good moment to show his hidden strength in case he had.
He didnt.
So he showed everything he had at that moment.
Cause Pica was running away from Zoro like Apoo, Triggeredlieber
Why would Zoro use his full strength against Pica?
He ain't the kind of guy who uses his full might to hunt down a mere rabbit like Pica, Saltydrewww
Even if Zoro can cut through Apoo's tonfas it doesn't matter because we know that isn't how Apoo really fights. Apoo doesn't bring out his tonfas unless he's on the defensive which is almost never the case. Apoo got caught by Kidd (sneak/surprise attack) and Zoro/Drake were on him while he was busy attacking other people and calling the numbers. A 1 on 1 would play out completely different.
a 1v1 Zoro would have done the exact same thing to Apoo with that attack. Very evident
Where did Kaido need help or was fighting anyone 2 v 1?

Also Oden is a top tier
Apoo isn't even close to King/Queen/Cracker/Doffy.

Imagine Facing Apoo 2v 1 for 3 chapters and winning in cheapshot lol

But yeah go praise Zoro and Drake for beating Apoo (below YCs) in 2 v 1
Didn’t Useless Cabin Kid sneak attack Apoo and then got slashed by him.
Wrong, he couldn't cut Pica with an attack from that great of range that would have been affected and needed help getting closer. He didn't have a problem cutting Pica once he was in range.
That's the point.
He has range slashes but were not enough to cut Pica from that distance. Then it would be a good moment for displaying Ashura and launching stronger slashes. He didnt.

You don't get that Asura is not a power that goes away even in the remote scenario that Zoro didn't practice it. There's no need for proof when actually you need to prove the contrary first.

Zoro didn't need it against Pica, just like he didn't need it against Issho in that Issho was just getting started either way.
I didnt say it went away.
The fact is that an Ashura to amplify his range slashes would be a good option to cut Pica's golem from far away or to launch multiples slashes in the mountain and force him to leave. He didnt.
So he either didnt practice it with Haki or either it wont be enough anyway. So that means Zoro didnt have anything more to show and he displayed all of his power.
There are no double standards.

Zoro has feats. Yamato had only one point-blank attack after which Ulti stood up normally and she is perfectly fine rn.

Don't be that guy who put Yamato above King...........
What will you do if Apoo is fine in next 1or 2 chapters? Zoro didn't have any remarkable feats until this chapter. Ulti didn't stand normally, that attack did effect her but guess someone has forgotten Zoans recovery rate. More importantly all King did in the raid was to stare at people.

Fallen Prince

Black maria has lack of interest in current war and of all the person she caught was sanji.

Whatever this is its not khalifa 's situation. The person's intention were to catch sanji btw.

I wont be surprised if she is part of CP0 group.
Cause Pica was running away from Zoro like Apoo, Triggeredlieber
Why would Zoro use his full strength against Pica?
He ain't the kind of guy who uses his full might to hunt down a mere rabbit like Pica, Saltydrewww
Pica was attacking Zoro and vice versa. Neither of them could land a hit on the other since one was fast enough to evade and the other was cutting the attacks.
Reread the manga.
a 1v1 Zoro would have done the exact same thing to Apoo with that attack. Very evident

How would Zoro get that close if he's getting blown up and cut? You're forgetting that Apoo has a fruit that's capable of knocking Luffy out instantly. Not for long but this is Luffy we're talking about. He's almost impossible to knock out normally.
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