General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

Rate the Wano Bounties

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Cyrus the Cactus

Mihawk Reigns Supreme
Kid and Killer mostly seem to exist to show Luffy and Zoro that they were right to train for two years instead of going to the New World directly. Kid’s been crippled and scarred, Killer’s right arm is some horrible burn tissue and he’s been force fed a useless DF.

Having said that, it would be very unlike Oda to put all this time into making Kid stand out from the original Supernovas- which he unquestionably does- without giving him some sort of payoff. It won’t be the payoff people thought he would get in Saobody, where it seemed that Kid could be a genuine rival and contender as PK.

But he will do something against Kaido, although ultimately being quite significantly overshadowed by Luffy. I would be very, very surprised if at the end of Wano we have a Dressrosa situation where Luffy and Kid are given the same bounty and held to be the joint reason Kaido was defeated.
Figured this would be a better thread for this question.

At this point do you think Kid will have a higher bounty than Zoro post Wano? Since the Straw Hats will invariably be considered a proper Emperor crew after Wano, and Kid will still just be an independent captain...or seen as a subordinate to Luffy like Bege's crew. I find it unlikely that Law and Kid will have comparable bounties to Luffy after the arc since their status as captains is so wildly different now.
Figured this would be a better thread for this question.

At this point do you think Kid will have a higher bounty than Zoro post Wano? Since the Straw Hats will invariably be considered a proper Emperor crew after Wano, and Kid will still just be an independent captain...or seen as a subordinate to Luffy like Bege's crew. I find it unlikely that Law and Kid will have comparable bounties to Luffy after the arc since their status as captains is so wildly different now.
Depends on what happens.

I think that Law and Kid may end up with bounties similar to Zoro's if he has a big role.
Figured this would be a better thread for this question.

At this point do you think Kid will have a higher bounty than Zoro post Wano? Since the Straw Hats will invariably be considered a proper Emperor crew after Wano, and Kid will still just be an independent captain...or seen as a subordinate to Luffy like Bege's crew. I find it unlikely that Law and Kid will have comparable bounties to Luffy after the arc since their status as captains is so wildly different now.
In all fairness? No.

The main reason being Drake is here, so it's very difficult to alter the fact that Zoro one-shot both Killer & Apoo in addition to the fact that Hawkins lost lives to Zoro. That's 1/4 of the WG crushed by one man.

Add to it what we've all been expecting to happen: Zoro vs King/Queen and ZKK.

Kidd having a higher bounty than Zoro after Wano is, sorry to say, asspull of cosmic proportion.

I predict that, even with the possibility of an admiral like Kizaru lending the alliance a hand once the marines arrive, Luffy & Zoro will be the two reasons why Big Mom and Kaido are done after the raid (Luffy specifically to BM, Zoro especially to Kaido). They are the stab to heart, the heart attack, the Dai Funka to the heart, the Meigou to the face, and the blazing guns of BBP in human forms.

Only 2 reasons Luffy's post-Wano bounty will be higher than Zoro's are the fact that Luffy got a massive head-start (1.5 billion to 320 million) and Zoro works to make Luffy the PK.

Wano will not only end "Sanji = Zoro" crap we've seen for over 20 years, but more importantly the "Top SNs" debate.

Just my two cents. :myman:

That would be astonishingly great.

When we consider how influence and level of threat are fundamental, just like level of cruelty. Mihawk lacks in these aspects, he literally only has power level right now. Having him on 3 billions means that he would have eventually deserved over 10 with all those aspects taken into account, which are pretty common amongst the yonkos instead.
Yes, it can also be the other way around.
Didn’t Oda also clarify in an SBS that Crocodile’s bounty would have at least doubled if it was known he was in charge of Baroque Works?
That goes to show having a formidable organization under ones control does impact ones bounty.
Bounty is still about danger.

For reference, I think that part of the reason that the calamities and the sweet commanders have such insane bounties is because they possess or are seen as possessing leadership roles in their respective crews.

As opposed to just being a danger in of themselves, they've been hand picked typically to hold special positions, which probably increases the evaluation of their strength.

Bounties are again, based on danger to the world government, not just strength. And having a massive organization filled with strong subordinates to carry out your will likely increases the evaluation of your threat.
Apples and oranges. Baroque Works is not a regular pirate crew isn't it?

Shichibukai Crocodile was allowed to have a pirate crew, and his crew would also get pass from World Government, but Baroque Works isn't a pirate crew, like the ones that I was talking about.

That's the difference here, Baroque Works = Not a pirate crew.
Figured this would be a better thread for this question.

At this point do you think Kid will have a higher bounty than Zoro post Wano? Since the Straw Hats will invariably be considered a proper Emperor crew after Wano, and Kid will still just be an independent captain...or seen as a subordinate to Luffy like Bege's crew. I find it unlikely that Law and Kid will have comparable bounties to Luffy after the arc since their status as captains is so wildly different now.
Kid and Law will be higher than Zoro, but closer to him than they will be to Luffy. I’d imagine something along the lines of Luffy 3 billion, Kid about 2, Law about 1.7, Zoro either 1.02 or 1.2 billion.

The bounty story post Wano is all about how the balance of power is dead and there’s new figures rising. At least one, possibly two Yonko’s defeated, and the Warlords abolished. Also Blackbeard will have done something spectacular so his bounty rises well up, plus the RA might have done something.

Luffy will be said to be the main figure in the defeat of Kaido, but I think it’s unlikely that Oda will want to give him a bounty above Shanks just yet. 3 billion makes sense for him. That way, there’s still room for a boost on Elgar to put him at proper Yonko territory level, then a final 5.6 billion one.

Kid and Law will be considered two pirates captains with the potential to take over the gap left by Kaido, who played a major role in defeating him. That’ll get them a bounty up above WCI Luffy. Emphasis will be placed on how they are captains with the potential to be pirates of the caliber of Kaido and BM, even though as readers we‘ll be saying ”yeah but their crews are mostly garbage.”

As Zoro is “only” a subordinate, he won’t quite be there yet, despite whatever role he plays in Wano. Like Oda won’t want Luffy to be quite at Shanks level yet, Zoro will still just be hovering around the lower ends of the YC1. Again, like Luffy, it has to be remembered that he’ll still be getting bounty raises, so he can’t be too high yet.

That’s assuming that the unrevealed Yonko Commander bounties are still broadly in the area of 800 million -1.5 billion territory. If there’s some wild stuff like Marco being 2.5 and Beckman 2.3, that’ll throw all these predictions off.
Read the pic I posted, it's from SBS, E.Oda confirmed that the crew members gets higher bounties than usual because of their captain.

Question: ''It seems like the officers who work for Four Emperors also have very high bounties. Do they get boosts in their bounty value just for being the subordinate of a particular pirate?''

E.Oda: ''Oh yes, they absolutely do. I mean after what happened in Dressrosa, the Straw Hats and other Gladiators got 50 million berry increases as a general rule. ''

Captains boosts the bounties of their crew members, while you believe having a crew boosts the bounty of the captain. It's the other way around.
i read what you send and didn't see any thing that say crew won't boost captains bounty
it's not one way Captain will boost Crew's Bounty and Having Crew Will Boost Captains Bounty?
i read what you send and didn't see any thing that say crew won't boost captains bounty
it's not one way Captain will boost Crew's Bounty and Having Crew Will Boost Captains Bounty?
I proved the captains boosts the crew bounties, no one proved the crew boosts the captain's bounty.

Luffy didn't have any crew in marineford, impel down, and he took help in Dressrosa from Law and Gladiators, he took help from Jinbe (wasn't part of his crew at the time) at Whole Cake Island. He could've done all of that without a crew;

- Defeating Don Krieg, Arlong, Crocodile, moria, Lucci
- fighting at marineford, and impel down, freeing prisoners from impel down
- defeating Doflamingo, Cracker, Katakuri

And if he did these without a crew, he would've a less than 1,5 billion bounty because he doesn't have a crew, instead he used allies and joined forces with other pirates, is that what you are saying?
Apples and oranges. Baroque Works is not a regular pirate crew isn't it?

Shichibukai Crocodile was allowed to have a pirate crew, and his crew would also get pass from World Government, but Baroque Works isn't a pirate crew, like the ones that I was talking about.

That's the difference here, Baroque Works = Not a pirate crew.
it's a organization like pirate crew and (but it was hidden)
it's like Donquixote family it's a pirate group but no one call it Donquixote pirates they say Donquixote Family

Baroque Works boss was Crocodile and being boss of Baroque Works will add to Coroc's bounty it's same for any organization/pirates crew being boss or captain will add to bounty of them

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I proved the captains boosts the crew bounties, no one proved the crew boosts the captain's bounty.

Luffy didn't have any crew in marineford, impel down, and he took help in Dressrosa from Law and Gladiators, he took help from Jinbe (wasn't part of his crew at the time) at Whole Cake Island. He could've done all of that without a crew;

- Defeating Don Krieg, Arlong, Crocodile, moria, Lucci
- fighting at marineford, and impel down, freeing prisoners from impel down
- defeating Doflamingo, Cracker, Katakuri

And if he did these without a crew, he would've a less than 1,5 billion bounty because he doesn't have a crew, instead he used allies and joined forces with other pirates, is that what you are saying?
it's proven in story oda said it about crocodile but you don't like to accept it
it's said having Baroque Works will add to crocodiles danger/Bounty it's same fore other pirates and criminals
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it's a pirate crew and organization (but it was hidden)
even in vivre card it say that it's a pirate crew
it's like Donquixote family it's a pirate group but no one call it Donquixote pirates they say Donquixote Family

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it's proven in story oda said it about crocodile but you don't like to accept it
it's said having Baroque Works will add to crocodiles danger/Bounty it's same fore other pirates and criminals
What are you talking about? In that SBS it says if they knew Baroque Works, Crocodile's bounty wouldn't be frozen, and they would revoke his Shichibukai title. Why would they revoke Crocodile's Shichibukai title for having a pirate crew? Every Shichibukai had pirate crews, they were allowed to have pirate crews. Jinbe even joined Shichibukai, because he could free Arlong from prison, because Arlong was part of his crew. Fujitora even said if Law said Luffy joined his crew when he was a Shichibukai, he would allowed to have him in his crew, instead he said they were allies and that was not allowed. Shichibukai can have pirate crews. But Baroque Works is not a pirate crew.

Which is why Crocodile was not allowed to have it. As I said, apples and oranges.

They specifically said it's a secret organization, not a pirate crew.
Mihawk has no crew and no ambition which opposes the WG so it will be lower than shanks but not commander level
That's clearly your fanfiction, no one ever said anything about mihawk's ambitions, and they are not going to assume he will be a good boy and not do anything as a pirate. The fact they send several warships to capture him right after revoking his Shicihbukai title proves this. He is a pirate, anything else is not proven and they are definitely not going to trust him to do nothing as a pirate.
That's clearly your fanfiction, no one ever said anything about mihawk's ambitions, and they are not going to assume he will be a good boy and not do anything as a pirate. The fact they send several warships to capture him right after revoking his Shicihbukai title proves this. He is a pirate, anything else is not proven and they are definitely not going to trust him to do nothing as a pirate.
Doesn't change the fact that he has no crew and bounty isn't a good indication of power.
Also you think Mihawk has an ambition other than fighting someone powerful.
Doesn't change the fact that he has no crew and bounty isn't a good indication of power.
Also you think Mihawk has an ambition other than fighting someone powerful.
- you can't trust any pirate that he will stay as a good boy and do nothing, you can't know what he will do tomorrow
- you also can't read any pirate's mind and know that he won't do anything bad, you can't know their true intentions

There is a reason mihawk choose to be a pirate. Obviously he is acting like other pirates, that's the reason he is dangerous when he is also strong enough to be a Shichibukai. He is a big threat to the government for the fact that he is pirate.

That's the reason they send almost a fleet to capture him.

Also crew doesn't boost the captains bounty, that's ridiculous. The captains boosts their crew's bounty. It's in the SBS, I just showed it.

You can't be thinking that just because Law has a crew now he would've a bigger bounty than usual, crew or not, he would've the same bounty.
- you can't trust any pirate that he will stay as a good boy and do nothing, you can't know what he will do tomorrow
- you also can't read any pirate's mind and know that he won't do anything bad, you can't know their true intentions

There is a reason mihawk choose to be a pirate. Obviously he is acting like other pirates, that's the reason he is dangerous when he is also strong enough to be a Shichibukai. He is a big threat to the government for the fact that he is pirate.

That's the reason they send almost a fleet to capture him.

Also crew doesn't boost the captains bounty, that's ridiculous. The captains boosts their crew's bounty. It's in the SBS, I just showed it.

You can't be thinking that just because Law has a crew now he would've a bigger bounty than usual.
So you think shanks would have had the same bounty wi th out a crew
So you think shanks would have had the same bounty wi th out a crew

Yes. His crew doesn't challenge Whitebeard, they don't split the heavens and they don't damage the ship with gigantic CoC.

However, Beckman's bounty could be larger than normal because of Shanks's influence + Beckman's individual strength. If Beckman's bounty is still higher than people like Queen or Jack, that doesn't take anything from Beckman, because Queen and Jack also have boost from Kaido.
Also crew doesn't boost the captains bounty, that's ridiculous. The captains boosts their crew's bounty. It's in the SBS, I just showed it.
it's your headcanon not fact oda never said that crew won't boost captain bounty it's simple logic Bounty = Power + Danger to WG having crew will add to danger
also being part of a crew will add to danger specially being a commander

Yes. His crew doesn't challenge Whitebeard, they don't split the heavens and they don't damage the ship with gigantic CoC.

However, Beckman's bounty could be larger than normal because of Shanks's influence + Beckman's individual strength. If Beckman's bounty is still higher than people like Queen or Jack, that doesn't take anything from Beckman, because Queen and Jack also have boost from Kaido.
So you think that having the strongest crew in the world doesn't change a thing

Kaido D. Stronger

- you can't trust any pirate that he will stay as a good boy and do nothing, you can't know what he will do tomorrow
- you also can't read any pirate's mind and know that he won't do anything bad, you can't know their true intentions

There is a reason mihawk choose to be a pirate. Obviously he is acting like other pirates, that's the reason he is dangerous when he is also strong enough to be a Shichibukai. He is a big threat to the government for the fact that he is pirate.

That's the reason they send almost a fleet to capture him.

Also crew doesn't boost the captains bounty, that's ridiculous. The captains boosts their crew's bounty. It's in the SBS, I just showed it.

You can't be thinking that just because Law has a crew now he would've a bigger bounty than usual, crew or not, he would've the same bounty.
I wonder ... Jack 1B, Queen 1.32 B. At KING's, Marcos participated in the war of the chiefs and took over the WB crew as captain and became involved in another war. Your reward has probably increased with all of these events. If KING's reward is similar to his, it means that KING was> MF MARCOS in reward. After MF and when he took over the WBP, and war with BB, his reward went up, he may have equaled or exceeded KING only after those events.


Zoro Worshipper
So you think that having the strongest crew in the world doesn't change a thing
I agree with you.

Whitebeard's influence was superior to Kaido's, by a consistent extent. This was somewhat of a decent boost to any member of the Whitebeard pirates.

However Kaido's Pirates aka Beast Pirates had a much bloodier nature.. so funnily because of that... it might have been the opposite. This is why Beckman is such a powerhouse if we want to entertain a solid example.
Yonko commander / underling bounties vs. Yonko commander / underling bounties, it's a fair comparison.
You can say that Zoro is getting higher bounty than Killer is something because they both are underlings who get boosts from Luffy and Kid.

Bounty of Other pirates who are not underlings vs. Yonko commanders / underling bounties, it's not a fair comparison.
Because while Zoro and Killer get +boosts from Luffy and Kid, Urogue doesn't get any bounty +boost from anyone.

Bounty of Other pirates who are not underlings vs. Other pirates who are not underlings, it's a fair comparison.
You can't make excuses like this guy has a crew, and this guy has not. It doesn't matter. That's no different than saying Law doesn't deserve 500 million because he has a crew. No one boosted Law's bounty other than himself.
well about zoro and other shp it's not completely true they didn't get any boost from WCI but they get 50m boost (member that wasn't present in Dressrosa exept sanji (judge increased his bounty))

about law yes his crew is trash i don't think it has that much of effect in his bounty (at best 50 mil) most of his danger is because of his Power and Knowledge

members will get small increase but captain will get bigger increase
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