Future Events Will Oda really have the balls to end the Luffy show?


Zoro Worshipper
The only other scenario I can see is where kidd and luffy land the finishing blow together on Kaido

Apart from that,...Luffy will finish Kaido after kidd does half the work
Kidd can't do half the work. He lacks any fundamental stat to even afford anything more than scratching Kaido and that's the best that his hype tells us considering his level of haki cannot in any form or shape be compared to Current Luffy's.
This problem is solved by Big Mom being there, really.

Luffy bodying BM while ZKK will make sure that the SHs did something far greater than the Marines (and BBP), who "only" killed 1 Yonko, did: eliminating 2 Yonkos. One of them isn't even defeated by the captain, but by the first-mate.

The SHs taking out 2 Yonko will ensure their name reaches the top of the world.

Will you be disappointed if Luffy is the one to land the final bow? I mean as a Luffy fan, I really won't but what about Zoro fans?
Not really, no, but only because I predict that Zoro will play Akainu's role in the fight against Kaido at the very least (meaning, he will deal Kaido with at least the 2 most fatal injuries Kaido will have in the whole war) and both Akainu & BBP's role at most (meaning, Zoro will outright kill Kaido too since Kaido vs A9 proved that there's no stopping Kaido unless you cut off his head).

Regardless, playing the Akainu role on defeating Kaido alone pretty much ascertains Zoro's world-breaking standing, especially since Zoro does not have an OP DF and the opponent isn't a frail and sickly old man who suffered a heart attack mid-war. That's basically Zoro doing something Akainu, who could lay claim to being the strongest character in the verse, didn't. I think that's something I can learn to live with. :kata:

Although, of course, I'll yell "ZKK, baby!!!!" until proven otherwise. :cheers:
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There is a reason why Oda said he and Luffy will have to find a solution against Kaido even before the events of WCI where he ultimately gained 2 major power ups(future sight, level 3 hardening) both of them efficient not only to predict / dodge attacks but damage Kaido, with him having greater attack power than the Scabbards in G4 that he can seemingly use casually now

There is a reason why even before the arc started, he was already viewed as potential 5th yonko. Oda is aiming at Luffy coming out of this arc viewed as a legitimate powerhouse compared to yonko

And Kaido's 1 on 1 hype myth is probably another thing Oda will like Luffy to destroy at one point because it's something he always like to do with Luffy, like Katakuri's track record

So I don't think he Luffy show is ending anytime soon. Obviously other characters like Kid, Law and Zoro will have their share to shine in the Kaido battle, ultimately weakening him, but Luffy will be the main spotlight, always has been, always will be
Bro your thinking os so one sideded. Can you give me an arc where Zoro saves the citizens and bonds with them probably more than luffy did or the same amount. This isn't like other arcs. This is why Zoro fans been able to predict Wano more accurately. Things like going to flower capital, Orochi not being important enough for Zoro. All the forshadowing is telling yall its Luffy and Zoro at the end vs Kaido. Stop being dense


You can't win
For the ones talking about Ryuma, Ryuma has no connection with Kaido. Kaido's entire story is based around Oden, who is a samurai he think was so strong, there will never be someone like him again, what Oden did is scar Kaido. Yes, he could have killed him, but ultimately didn't do it, with Oda setting up scabbards' failure of even opening his old scar for it to happen in the future.

And Zoro coincidently is the one holding Enma, with Zoro talking about 'slicing the one rumored as the world strongest', never talking about killing anyone. This was even cleared up by Stephen saying Oda always use this term with Zoro to avoid the word "killing", and from simple knowing how One Piece works, it's logical

So overall then, as stated before, all the connections Zoro has with enma blade, his connections with Oden are simply a setup for him to either open Kaido's old scar again or creating a new one. That's what he'd accomplish. But the one who'd actually defeat Kaido is Luffy, no one else


World's Strongest Swordsman
For the ones talking about Ryuma, Ryuma has no connection with Kaido. Kaido's entire story is based around Oden, who is a samurai he think was so strong, there will never be someone like him again, what Oden did is scar Kaido. Yes, he could have killed him, but ultimately didn't do it, with Oda setting up scabbards' failure of even opening his old scar for it to happen in the future.

And Zoro coincidently is the one holding Enma, with Zoro talking about 'slicing the one rumored as the world strongest', never talking about killing anyone. This was even cleared up by Stephen saying Oda always use this term with Zoro to avoid the word "killing", and from simple knowing how One Piece works, it's logical

So overall then, as stated before, all the connections Zoro has with enma blade, his connections with Oden are simply a setup for him to either open Kaido's old scar again or creating a new one. That's what he'd accomplish. But the one who'd actually defeat Kaido is Luffy, no one else
Lmfao stop the cap, i gave you a full explanation using oden
not ryuma
zoro got enma to finish the job to do what oden couldnt
there is no set up for anyone to simply beat kaido
the whole point of this raid is to kill kaido
zoro said the same thing about kaido as he did about the dragon in punk hazard.


You can't win
Lmfao stop the cap, i gave you a full explanation using oden
not ryuma
zoro got enma to finish the job to do what oden couldnt
there is no set up for anyone to simply beat kaido
the whole point of this raid is to kill kaido
zoro said the same thing about kaido as he did about the dragon in punk hazard.
You showed nothing relevant

Countless people were aiming at Doffy's head in dressrosa. Doesn't mean he actually died

If you actually think Oda set up the Luffy vs Kaido for arcs for him not to be the one to defeat Kaido, then you're simply delusional
Post timeskip,amongst the strawhats,Oda has only ever let Luffy get significant fights and take the credit for it.

Luffy took down Doflamingo for Law,Cracker and Katakuri and got all the credit due to it.

Now we are in a massive war which is the payoff of all the arcs postskip so we expect all the players to show their worth by contributing in the downfall of the 2 Emperors; Big Mom and Kaido.

We know Kid,Law,Zoro and Luffy are foreshadowed to have the biggest roles amongst SN,but my question is ; Can Oda have the balls to have anybody other than Luffy give the finishing blow or killing Kaido?

I want to answer yes as I believe Zoro may do it,but Oda's track record ever since postskip isn't the most encouraging.

You should reread Arlong Park, because there’s your answer right there. Luffy saying there’s tons of shit he can do. But there’s one thing he can do that the others can’t, and that’s take down the big boss.
For the ones talking about Ryuma, Ryuma has no connection with Kaido. Kaido's entire story is based around Oden, who is a samurai he think was so strong, there will never be someone like him again, what Oden did is scar Kaido. Yes, he could have killed him, but ultimately didn't do it, with Oda setting up scabbards' failure of even opening his old scar for it to happen in the future.

And Zoro coincidently is the one holding Enma, with Zoro talking about 'slicing the one rumored as the world strongest', never talking about killing anyone. This was even cleared up by Stephen saying Oda always use this term with Zoro to avoid the word "killing", and from simple knowing how One Piece works, it's logical

So overall then, as stated before, all the connections Zoro has with enma blade, his connections with Oden are simply a setup for him to either open Kaido's old scar again or creating a new one. That's what he'd accomplish. But the one who'd actually defeat Kaido is Luffy, no one else
Lmao Zoro not going to be a legend for opening any scar, what has people been saying all throughout Wano. Its take Kaido head, Oden said it, Sccabards said it, Yasuie said it too. Ryuma cut a Dragon, something Kaido might be and Zoro is likly a descendent of that person.


World's Strongest Swordsman
You showed nothing relevant

Countless people were aiming at Doffy's head in dressrosa. Doesn't mean he actually died

If you actually think Oda set up the Luffy vs Kaido for arcs for him not to be the one to defeat Kaido, then you're simply delusional
Its all relevant you just dont have an answer for it
you the same guy who was jumping around about apoos tonfa being proof zoro cant cut kaido then disappeared the chapter later dont even dare talk about delusion it took you until 997 with oda slapping you in the face with it to accept zoro would fight kaido
doflamingos not the one whose been captured 18 times that couldnt hold him
show me an arc where oda had zoro gun for the main villain this much
this is not just luffys fight.
You showed nothing relevant

Countless people were aiming at Doffy's head in dressrosa. Doesn't mean he actually died

If you actually think Oda set up the Luffy vs Kaido for arcs for him not to be the one to defeat Kaido, then you're simply delusional
Those countless people are not a main character in Zoro stead. Sanji solved BM situation not Luffy because Luffy can't cook. Showed at the start of WCI. At the start of Wano shows Luffy not a SM. Then he has people repeating over and over again. Take his head. In WCI it was her Rampage doesn't stop without food. Its like Oda is so blantant with the forshadowing this arc that people literally are turning their brains off to not see it.


You can't win
Its all relevant you just dont have an answer for it
you the same guy who was jumping around about apoos tonfa being proof zoro cant cut kaido then disappeared the chapter later dont even dare talk about delusion it took you until 997 with oda slapping you in the face with it to accept zoro would fight kaido
doflamingos not the one whose been captured 18 times that couldnt hold him
show me an arc where oda had zoro gun for the main villain this much
this is not just luffys fight.
Nah just couldn't be bothered replying to delusion while surfing on mobile. Oden's inherited will is all related the scar he gave to Kaido, which is why he tells to the scabbards they aren't the ones since they can't even open his old scar. It's a setup for it happening again for the one inheriting Oden's sword, that's about it

Just like your talk about Zoro killing Kaido being as mentioned once again inexistent in the manga since it was cleared by Stephen that Oda never use the word "kill" with Zoro, and simple to understand even without this information for any reason who read one piece thus far, with Oda himself saying in an SBS that he doesn't like to kill villain, but prefer destroying their dreams

And lol at counting my spoiler posts where i more often than not use to make fun of characters in the argument. Show me a serious discussion of mine where i said Zoro can't cut Kaido.

Law gunned for the main villain of dressrosa much more than Zoro, has actual history with him from their child days, didn't stop Oda in making Luffy the one to defeat Doflamingo
Thanks for answering me that's what i wanted to know but bruh there is a foreshadowing for killing him read @HA001 's post there is a lot of hints being pushed around and when that happens ppl will say it's a bad writting that's what i don't understand
I won’t say it’s bad writing if it happens, I’ll say I misinterpreted the hints. Speaking of which, I’m curious to know what will be most Zoro fans’ stance if it doesn’t happen.
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Nah just couldn't be bothered replying to delusion while surfing on mobile. Oden's inherited will is all related the scar he gave to Kaido, which is why he tells to the scabbards they aren't the ones since they can't even open his old scar. It's a setup for it happening again for the one inheriting Oden's sword, that's about it

Just like your talk about Zoro killing Kaido being as mentioned once again inexistent in the manga since it was cleared by Stephen that Oda never use the word "kill" with Zoro, and simple to understand even without this information for any reason who read one piece thus far, with Oda himself saying in an SBS that he doesn't like to kill villain, but prefer destroying their dreams

And lol at counting my spoiler posts where i more often than not use to make fun of characters in the argument. Show me a serious discussion of mine where i said Zoro can't cut Kaido.

Law gunned for the main villain of dressrosa much more than Zoro, has actual history with him from their child days, didn't stop Oda in making Luffy the one to defeat Doflamingo
Law is not has important has Zoro. Why can't people get this through their heads. Sanji more important then Law.
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I mean luffy is the MC so that's that
The MC couldn't solve the BM situation in WCI