Future Events Will Oda really have the balls to end the Luffy show?

Some Zoro fans still don't understand the classic dynamics of One Piece world.

Let's say E.Oda decided to satisfy the Zoro fans, and he decided to replace Luffy with Zoro, and Zoro should finish Kaido through the scar that Oden opened up.

Do you think that would make any difference? You think that would make Zoro as equal with Luffy, since now he finished an opponent that Luffy suppose to finish?

Zoro is Luffy's underling. No matter what Zoro do or will do in the future, it will always be Luffy's success, because Zoro is an underling like no different than Brook or Chopper or Usopp. And Luffy will get more credit for everything that his underlings does, because he is the person who assemble that people, and he is the person that's GOD to them. When E.Oda says Usopp is GOD, he was joking, but Luffy is really a god for Straw-hat pirates, they would give their lives for Luffy without any hesitation, and for Luffy's goal. Why Zoro fans don't understand that and they still trying to compare Zoro to Luffy?

Sanji is there for these comparisons, Sanji vs. Zoro is where you can do that, because they are both equals as Straw-hat pirates and they can compete. Comparing an underling to a captain is ridiculous, and that's the main problem with some ''extreme Zoro fans'' who makes fun of Luffy, they think Zoro should be equal with Luffy, they think Zoro should take the lead from Luffy sometimes. These people either don't understand One Piece or they do but they are trolling to the limits. Their idol is a person, who gives his life for Luffy, and for Luffy's goal. He thinks Luffy as GOD, and he does everything for Luffy. Unfortunately, these ''extreme Zoro fans'' not only doesn't understand One Piece, they also don't even understand their idol Zoro, and they don't understand Zoro's love for Luffy, Luffy is Zoro's GOD.

If you have problem with Zoro being an underling to Luffy, you should ask for E.Oda to separate Zoro from Straw-hat pirates, so Zoro can create his own pirate crew, let's see what he will do, and lets see how relevant he will be in One Piece world as a pirate captain.

Even that would make sense, I even see these ''extreme Zoro fans'' saying Zoro and Luffy are like Vegeta and Goku, these people really don't understand One Piece, and the fact that Zoro is Luffy's underling.

I can only advise to them to realize the facts of One Piece, they should really think Zoro should leave Straw-hat pirates and become really a rival to Luffy, because essentially that's what these extreme Zoro fans want, but they don't even realize what they want.


You can't win
Lol at thinking Oda considers one of Vegapunk's invention the same way he does to a character


And yes, some people here are either trolling or they don't understand Zoro's character at all.

We're talking about someone who wanted to give up his life for Luffy's dream, who need to beat the yonko/admirals on his way to pirate king

He is never going to steal Luffy's spotlight against a main villain because he respects him as the captain


World's Strongest Swordsman
Lol at thinking Oda considers one of Vegapunk's invention the same way he does to a character


And yes, some people here are either trolling or they don't understand Zoro's character at all.

We're talking about someone who wanted to give up his life for Luffy's dream, who need to beat the yonko/admirals on his way to pirate king

He is never going to steal Luffy's spotlight against a main villain because he respects him as the captain
He respects him so much he told luffy to his face to take him to kaido.


You can't win
He respects him so much he told luffy to his face to take him to kaido.
It's not like the SHs never fought in group battle. They fought in group battle against Oars as well in TB, so Zoro going with Luffy is a way to act as a support, just like Killer going to Kaido alongside his captain is to help him, but they all know that ultimately their captain will be the one who should deal the finishing blow
This is not necessarily a rule however. We are all conscious of how crucial and prominent a big fandom can prove when it comes to plot, this is also why Luffy has been unceasingly sparking for all these years... but Zoro's fanbase is booming rapidly and the prospectus is rose-coloured. It's really no coincidence that for once Oda is lending Zoro's character so much highlight in my opinion.
Zoro is not having more spotlight than what he did in the previous arcs. People have always been impressed by him, and Oda doesn't write his story based on what the fandom expects.
But don't worry, Zoro will shine, but so will Luffy as usual. Even Judge's son will have his moment this arc. Wano is too important for the power level of the straw hats to miss this opportunity.


World's Strongest Swordsman
It's not like the SHs never fought in group battle. They fought in group battle against Oars as well in TB, so Zoro going with Luffy is a way to act as a support, just like Killer going to Kaido alongside his captain is to help him, but they all know that ultimately their captain will be the one who should deal the finishing blow
Zoros not even going up with luffy. They making their own way.
Zoro was going for kaido from the beginning. Hes not going for support anything.
When its zoros fight like mihawk luffy stays out of it and vice versa with luffy like lucci or whatever.
The fact zoros going up on his own accord shows this isnt just luffys fight.
Yeah we do know what happens to dragons above the flower capital.
Some Zoro fans still don't understand the classic dynamics of One Piece world.

Let's say E.Oda decided to satisfy the Zoro fans, and he decided to replace Luffy with Zoro, and Zoro should finish Kaido through the scar that Oden opened up.

Do you think that would make any difference? You think that would make Zoro as equal with Luffy, since now he finished an opponent that Luffy suppose to finish?

Zoro is Luffy's underling. No matter what Zoro do or will do in the future, it will always be Luffy's success, because Zoro is an underling like no different than Brook or Chopper or Usopp. And Luffy will get more credit for everything that his underlings does, because he is the person who assemble that people, and he is the person that's GOD to them. When E.Oda says Usopp is GOD, he was joking, but Luffy is really a god for Straw-hat pirates, they would give their lives for Luffy without any hesitation, and for Luffy's goal. Why Zoro fans don't understand that and they still trying to compare Zoro to Luffy?

Sanji is there for these comparisons, Sanji vs. Zoro is where you can do that, because they are both equals as Straw-hat pirates and they can compete. Comparing an underling to a captain is ridiculous, and that's the main problem with some ''extreme Zoro fans'' who makes fun of Luffy, they think Zoro should be equal with Luffy, they think Zoro should take the lead from Luffy sometimes. These people either don't understand One Piece or they do but they are trolling to the limits. Their idol is a person, who gives his life for Luffy, and for Luffy's goal. He thinks Luffy as GOD, and he does everything for Luffy. Unfortunately, these ''extreme Zoro fans'' not only doesn't understand One Piece, they also don't even understand their idol Zoro, and they don't understand Zoro's love for Luffy, Luffy is Zoro's GOD.

If you have problem with Zoro being an underling to Luffy, you should ask for E.Oda to separate Zoro from Straw-hat pirates, so Zoro can create his own pirate crew, let's see what he will do, and lets see how relevant he will be in One Piece world as a pirate captain.

Even that would make sense, I even see these ''extreme Zoro fans'' saying Zoro and Luffy are like Vegeta and Goku, these people really don't understand One Piece, and the fact that Zoro is Luffy's underling.

I can only advise to them to realize the facts of One Piece, they should really think Zoro should leave Straw-hat pirates and become really a rival to Luffy, because essentially that's what these extreme Zoro fans want, but they don't even realize what they want.
No body said Zoro is not Luffy subordinate. He literally had to blackmail Zoro basically to join his crew because Zoro told him he had more willpower than him. He then showed that he could of soloed all those Marines and beat Morgans. Actually Zoro has been referred to has Luffy Partner, something Ray was to Roger. So no, its not the same relationship has the other crewmembers. Zoro will never be a rival to Luffy, but he was equal to luffy at parts of the story


Zoro Worshipper
Zoro is not having more spotlight than what he did in the previous arcs. People have always been impressed by him, and Oda doesn't write his story based on what the fandom expects.
But don't worry, Zoro will shine, but so will Luffy as usual. Even Judge's son will have his moment this arc. Wano is too important for the power level of the straw hats to miss this opportunity.
Well Luffy can still take on Big Mom, I would of kinda agreed had Kaido been the only arc boss. :)

Besides, you are admitting Zoro will shine too and I never talked about Zoro being the only man to shine during this very arc.
Lol at thinking Oda considers one of Vegapunk's invention the same way he does to a character


And yes, some people here are either trolling or they don't understand Zoro's character at all.

We're talking about someone who wanted to give up his life for Luffy's dream, who need to beat the yonko/admirals on his way to pirate king

He is never going to steal Luffy's spotlight against a main villain because he respects him as the captain
Please don't talk about Zoro character, because yall definitely don't know about it. Zoro and Luffy jumping a Youkou isn't taking anything away from Luffy. Luffy jumped Cracker, Luffy went with Capone to kill BM. Stop talking about "character" like you understand it.
It's not like the SHs never fought in group battle. They fought in group battle against Oars as well in TB, so Zoro going with Luffy is a way to act as a support, just like Killer going to Kaido alongside his captain is to help him, but they all know that ultimately their captain will be the one who should deal the finishing blow
Its not support, reread Wano, Zoro has just has much reason to take out Kaido. If you actually know about Zoro Character like you claim, you would know Zoro doesn't normally fight with avenging people. He a Buddhist, but when Zoro said that about Yasuie you know he would want to fight Kaido the one who truly responsible

You have no clue about his character, luffy character or Luffy and Zoro relationship.
Post automatically merged:

Nothing, except the tons of forshadowing and him outright saying it last chapter.

Yes because thats what oda does with inherited will, he makes you do the exact same thing as the will youve inherited and not surpass it,
luffy will be pk and not beat the wg like roger and start a new pirate era right...

this is odens will what he wanted to do kaido

This is inherited will

There is no set up just to scar kaido
The set up for the one who opens the scar is the one kaido thinks is the one worthy of killing him.
This is actually whats said and this is the whole sequence of that part,

It starts of with doji outright saying this fight isnt over until his head is severed. I e this war wont be over until hes dead.

so kaidos words

I saw a visage of oden

I could have let you kill me
But you are not oden

We will never see a monstrous samurai like oden again

Its too shallow you dont even have enough power to open the old wound

people just focus on his last line instead of his whole speech and just say zoro will just open the wound without looking at why kaido said that,
kaido was going to let the scabbards kill him until he realized they are not oden they are not as strong as oden they couldnt even open the wound oden gave him
so the samurai that CAN open the scar that IS as monstrous as oden IS the one he will accept that kills him.
The set up isnt for there to be someone to just open the wound, but the one who does that is capable of killing him. And thats kaidos own view.
Besides oden had kaido one blow from death if zoro does the same theres no one to save him.

This clearly isnt an arc where odas doing the usual

oda has never had zoro THIS adamant to fight the main villian
so no this isnt luffys fight because they usually wont interfere with each others fight going all the way back to mihawk

The purpose of this raid was and isnt for luffy to beat kaido or anyone to just simply BEAT kaido
its to kill kaido and orochi
as the scabbards (one of many instances) said a few chapters a go

Its zoro not luffy who met the princess of the arc saving odens daughter
who met yasu
who got odens sword and will
who literally mirrored things oden did in his flashback
who went around wano seeing its plight

even the citizens of wano in the flower capital know what needs to be done

beating kaido achieves nothing.
And all that without even mentioing ryuma the god of wanos legend of slaying a dragon above the flower capital
Lmao @Bogard you really getting tore to shreds
No body said Zoro is not Luffy subordinate. He literally had to blackmail Zoro basically to join his crew because Zoro told him he had more willpower than him. He then showed that he could of soloed all those Marines and beat Morgans. Actually Zoro has been referred to has Luffy Partner, something Ray was to Roger. So no, its not the same relationship has the other crewmembers. Zoro will never be a rival to Luffy, but he was equal to luffy at parts of the story
No body said Zoro is not Luffy's subordinate, because they can't. What I said that Zoro extremists like you, are pretending that Zoro is not Luffy's subordinate, and he should compete with Luffy, and be equals with Luffy, for some reason that we don't know yet. Just like the purpose of this thread.

I already give my advice to you extremist Zoro fans, you guys should hope and wish for Zoro to leave the Straw-hat pirates, and create his own pirate crew as a captain, then they could be equals as both captains, but even that is highly doubtful. Because I don't believe Zoro as a pirate captain with separate crews could present a challenge to Luffy, just like Sanji couldn't. Kid or Law are already bigger challenges than Zoro and Sanji, so he couldn't reach Luffy's level even if he leaves the SH pirates, he couldn't even be a Worst Gen member and Supernova 2 years before, and we wouldn't even know his name, because his bounty only increased to 100+ because of Luffy boosted Zoro's bounty, just like Kid boosted Killer's bounty.

Also, Luffy forced almost every member of his crew before they joined. Zoro is not special. Even Usopp wanted to be a captain over Luffy when he first joined. Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Franky they all didn't want to join Luffy's crew at first. You need to work a little to recruit a talented person, it shouldn't be easy. Luffy is not going to beat Zoro's ass, and tell him join me or die, that's not going to work, as we know that Zoro would prefer to die instead of giving up to a bully, no need to hurt his pride like that when you want him as your crewmate. The only exception I guess, was Brook. He joined easily in the first, because of obvious ''skeleton'' reasons, and Nico Robin as well due to obvious reasons.

I don't remember when Luffy called Zoro as partner. And even if Luffy calls him as partner, that doesn't mean anything as we know that Doflamingo called Vergo as partner and Kid called Killer as partner. Kid and Killer are not equals. And it's also obvious Roger and Rayleigh are not equals.
Its the opposite. Marco gets a full fight going all out for once and we get to see how king measures up to marco.
They're both 1yc so they should be relatively close but its not like it isn't obvious Marco will win.

It puts king one of the main forces on kaidos side is put in a loosing underdog position losing most if not all his threat as a villain because hes never gonna do anything with Marco on his ass