Future Events Will Oda really have the balls to end the Luffy show?

The initial core concept of One Piece was about Luffy's quest to defeat the Four Emperors, and become Pirate King. This has not changed at all, since One Piece's inception 23 years ago. This has not changed since then. Oda just kept adding more to the story the longer it went on. The core concept is still there. Luffy defeats the Four Emperors, and becomes Pirate King.

It's amazing to me how people think that Luffy taking down his first Yonko, which Oda has been waiting to write for over 23 years, is just going to be handed off to someone else. This is after Oda went to great lengths to extend the time limit of G4, give Luffy Future Sight, and boost his CoA haki to the next level. All this, which Oda has never done when it comes to power-ups in the past, just to let someone else get all the glory of taking down the first Emperor in the story. C'mon....
Luffy literally not taking down Kaido 1 v 1. Kaido just fought 9 sccabards and will fight kid, Zoro and possibly BM. Take down my ass. Luffy himself said he needs his crew


Kitetsu Wanker
Please tell me you aren't serious. Are you really comparing mountain level feat to a town level feat?

Almost all your arguments are BS tbh. The level of delusion is mind-blowing. I'm not even going to debate further. Someone who has unlocked advanced CoO has worse CoO than someone who hasn't? Bruh. I guess there really exist people who think Zoro > Luffy. I really used to think that it's just people trolling.

I am not sure if you realize but the destruction of Luffy's attack is way smaller than the destruction of Zoro's attack. :myman:
Unlocked future sight and can use it every blue moon vs sensing inanimate objects which basic CoO cant do... Sounds like Zoro's advanced CoO is better than Luffy's advanced CoO... Yes, I am one of those people who think Zoro>Luffy.
Please tell me you aren't serious. Are you really comparing mountain level feat to a town level feat?

Almost all your arguments are BS tbh. The level of delusion is mind-blowing. I'm not even going to debate further. Someone who has unlocked advanced CoO has worse CoO than someone who hasn't? Bruh. I guess there really exist people who think Zoro > Luffy. I really used to think that it's just people trolling.

Yea why would Zoro base move be stronger then Luffy in his G4 form. Its not like Zoro was in Ashura
Yes, I am one of those people who think Zoro>Luffy.
Good for you, I guess. :cheers:

Yea why would Zoro base move be stronger then Luffy in his G4 form. Its not like Zoro was in Ashura
Why are we even talking something that we haven't seen? lmao. I'm only talking based on feats. Of course, Ashura might be on par G4. But we don't know that yet, do we?
You claiming its being handed off, when its Luffy crewmember along with Luffy doing it. Only Youkou Luffy might beat 1 v 1 is BB
Someone else delivering the final blow would be it getting handed off, Lol. Especially when you have the author himself stating that him and the MC would figure out a way to take down Kaido.

Oda - Doesn't want Kaido to be defeated because the MC's punch is too strong.

1000 IQ fandom - That means Oda wants to have Kaido be defeated because Zoro's slash is too strong! Raaaaaaaawr!
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Someone else delivering the final blow would be it getting handed off, Lol. Especially when you have the author himself stating that him and the MC would figure out a way to take down Kaido.

Oda - Doesn't want Kaido to be defeated because the MC's punch is too strong.

1000 IQ fandom - That means Oda wants to have Kaido be defeated because Zoro's slash is too strong! Raaaaaaaawr!
No its not, you just want Luffy to do it cause if he doesn't it hurts your heart.

Thats not only reason people say Zoro going to do it
No its not, you just want Luffy to do it cause if he doesn't it hurts your heart.

Thats not only reason people say Zoro going to do it
It doesn't matter if people have reasons they believe Zoro will do it. If Kaido falls from a powerful slash, then that's exactly what happened.

If Oda doesn't want Kaido to be defeated in the traditional manner of accurring damage until he's weakened enough to where Luffy can land a final powerful attack to end the fight, then what on Earth makes you think his ingenious plan to have Kaido be defeated is to just make Kaido accur damage until he's weakened enough so Zoro can land a powerful attack to end the fight? It's the same exact thing, with just another character landing the last powerful blow. Which is exactly what Oda said he didn't want to do with Kaido....
It doesn't matter if people have reasons they believe Zoro will do it. If Kaido falls from a powerful slash, then that's exactly what happened.

If Oda doesn't want Kaido to be defeated in the traditional manner of accurring damage until he's weakened enough to where Luffy can land a final powerful attack to end the fight, then what on Earth makes you think his ingenious plan to have Kaido be defeated is to just make Kaido accur damage until he's weakened enough so Zoro can land a powerful attack to end the fight? It's the same exact thing, with just another character landing the last powerful blow. Which is exact what Oda said he didn't want to do with Kaido....
No he just said a punch. Now i am going into headcanon territory, but a character losing who a Zoan/dragon who is known to escape and get back up over and over again. It just wouldn't make sense. I actually think Luffy will KO him, but he will just get back up. Which is why Luffy and Zoro going to finish him off
No he just said a punch. Now i am going into headcanon territory, but a character losing who a Zoan/dragon who is known to escape and get back up over and over again. It just wouldn't make sense. I actually think Luffy will KO him, but he will just get back up. Which is why Luffy and Zoro going to finish him off
It's the same exact concept though, just replacing a punch with a slash. And how is Luffy supposed to factor into all of this with Oda saying the two of them will figure out how to defeat Kaido?

The point being, is that Oda does not want Kaido to fall in the traditional manner that all villains are defeated. Honestly, the only thing that comes to mind from that statement that makes sense, is Kaido is going to be taken down by something CoC related, which is a befitting defeat for an Emperor of the Sea, especially one who is all about breaking the wills of his enemies. Kaido being defeated by having his will broken by Conquerors Haki would be poetic justice.

The author and the MC have figured out a way to take down Kaido - their solution is Zoro.
You think Oda would tell everyone years ahead that Zoro is the one who is going to do it?
Read above....


World's Strongest Swordsman
How is this relevant ? Zoro knows Luffy will also be up there. Obviously Zoro wants to slice Kaido, but he also knows that Kaido is Luffy's opponent.
Its relevant because he sees kaido as his own opponent not luffys, he is not supporting luffy like the rest of the crew hes here for kaido HIMSELF

The reason Luffy accepted Law's alliance back in PH was because he wanted to beat up Kaido, after defeating Doflamingo, he became one of Kaido's primarily targets, when they reached Zou and formed their alliance, with Momonosuke wanting to beat Kaido but couldn't because of his age, Luffy decided to take Momo's mantle and beat up Kaido for him, when he came on Wano, the first thing did is think about beating up Luffy(and Law), when Luffy learned Tama's story with Ace and became familiar with her, after learning of what happened to Amigasa village, Luffy aimed at following Ace's will, when Kaido injured Tama, it made Luffy angry and attempt to take him out right away, and after his loss to Kaido, he said he'd beat up Kaido again, trained in Udon in order to beat up Kaido, and when he actually reached Wano, the one who revealed his intention to beat not only Kaido but everyone is Luffy, and Kaido accepted his challenge.
So ? Luffys ties to wano are weak at best, he has no tie that zoro doesnt whilst zoro has way more.
tama -

He literally spent time training with momo -

even taught him sunnachi
apart from that luffys motivation to beat kaido is no different to kidds, its selfish because they both got clapped

Unlike luffy, zoros anger toward kaido has no personal reason to get famous from killing him, its all deep rooted from all his experience on wano.
Firstly oda has had zoro do the same things oden did in his flashback

save 26 year old hiyori/toki


get nursed back by hiyori/toki

had hiyori/toki crying on them in almost identical fashion

zoro tamed odens sword only other person ever

both attacked orochi in anger

both times they were blocked

zoro is still following what oden did
ie he went to sneak and kill a drunk kaido

Now hes at the point that oden reached when he decided to kill kaido

as proven here
his target during the raid from the begining was kaido not orochi despite him hating orochi
even oden had no personal beef with kaido outside of him being orochi muscle
it was orochi who
- killed his dad
- attacked his wife and kids
- made deals with outsiders and ruined wano

he just realized the point as shinobu said killing orochi does nothing when kaidos there

then theres yasu the guy who was with oden in the flashback who made a bond with zoro who saved the alliance with his death
who zoro said hed avenge

even yasu knew kaido was the real problem

Zoro has odens will he will finish the job oden failed to do and slay the dragon above the flower capital

Zoro on the other hand supports his captain for him to take out the main villain, whether against Oars and Moria, where he left Luffy dealing the finishing blow against Oars and beat up Moria, him deciding to sacrifice his life for Luffy's dream or post-timeskip where he blocked Pica for Luffy to go to Doflamingo, because he respects his captain, and his dream
zoro is doing no such thing, oda made a very clear difference between zoro and the rest of the strawhats when it comes to kaido
first zoro says

We wont last to fight kaido
from the start ZORO WAS AFTER KAIDO
this is nothing like dressrosa because not only is zoro paving luffys way to kaido like he did with pica he TOLD LUFFY TO TAKE HIM TO KAIDO IGNORING QUEEN

so no he doesnt consider this luffys fight at all
Then zoro separated from luffy whilst the others did this
now the other strawhats
first nami and ussop jump in to take page one and ulti away to pave the way for luffy

Then unlike zoro sanji and jinbe literally tell him they are there to make sure he has stamina for kaido and THEY ARE THERE TO PAVE THE WAY

oda literally moved zoro so he wasnt there to pave the way for luffy as you said and made sanji and jinbe do it instead

meanwhile zoro continues to say what HE is here for
and it has nothing to do with luffy
hes here to kill kaido on his own accord

It's the same exact concept though, just replacing a punch with a slash. And how is Luffy supposed to factor into all of this with Oda saying the two of them will figure out how to defeat Kaido?

The point being, is that Oda does not want Kaido to fall in the traditional manner that all villains are defeated. Honestly, the only thing that comes to mind from that statement that makes sense, is Kaido is going to be taken down by something CoC related, which is a befitting defeat for an Emperor of the Sea, especially one who is all about breaking the wills of his enemies. Kaido being defeated by having his will broken by Conquerors Haki would be poetic justice.

Read above....
Its not the same, because its not Luffy doing it, thats why he mentioned a punch. This is the usual way, and Zoro doing it is different look. Lmao at Kaido will being broken, stop the nonsense 🤣 😂 💀. Only thing i see Oda doing is Kaido respecting them somewhat because of his personality and wanting to die so he kinda helps them and Oda keeps it ambiguous like if Katakuri wasn't honorable
Its not the same, because its not Luffy doing it, thats why he mentioned a punch. This is the usual way, and Zoro doing it is different look. Lmao at Kaido will being broken, stop the nonsense 🤣 😂 💀. Only thing i see Oda doing is Kaido respecting them somewhat because of his personality and wanting to die so he kinda helps them and Oda keeps it ambiguous like if Katakuri wasn't honorable
Will be making a thread on the matter in a bit, and we'll further discuss there.
Who said I am going by feats? Looking at feats only has always been a recipe for a disaster because it never tells anywhere close to a full story. Luffy's feats were better until Whiskey Peak too, what did it help him against Zoro? Nothing, zero, big fat nada.

* Zoro's CoO can sense inanimate objects, Luffy's cant. Zoro is better in CoO or far superior like you say. :myman:
* Luffy has nowhere close to the destruction capability of ISDS, KKG wasnt even half of it.
* Everyone knows who the better one is at armament, the one whose armament doesnt suck ass.
* Depends on which type of speed you refer to... Movement speed? Plays no role to Zoro and isnt slow mover anyway. G4 Snakeman specializes in attack traveling speed, Zoro so far has better attack traveling speed feats.

There is nothing where Luffy outclasses Zoro except having more plot armor. His up time of the future sight is equal to not having it.
*Sensing inanimate objects is useless in a fight compared to future sight.
*comparing cutting pica to kkg is dumb luffy knocked out surume with a regular elephant gun while underwater weakened from his df.
*zoro has not shown internal destruction ryou like luffy has...try again
*snakeman outclasses any attack speed zoro has shown. Katakuri could barely keep up And he has the best coO in the series we’ve seen.