What will happen in chapter 1000?

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Lets use the same logic as Zoro Haters

Look look Judge's Son has a panel fight Beast Pirate Tobi Roppo as well as Jimbei and Franky

By using their same logic Sanji, Franky and Jimbe are a new Trio that aren't calamity level.

Even though most people agree Sanji and Jimbei not only far surpass and far stronger than Franky they are far stronger than Tobi Roppo.

Point it, it aint hard to create a stubborn narrative


- Apoo wounded up but Drake defeats him.
Just as the circle of life, Ws and Ls for reactionary wankers on WorstGen Forums are topsy turvy :yodaswag:

And I'm here to meme it all :suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure:

Last Chapter it was

This Chapter it's :pepapoo:

But trolling aside, I never expected Apoo to be out after one slash. He's a supernova for a reason and OP fighters are brawlers and endurance beasts anyway.
Trolling aside. Personality, character design, articulation and devil fruit ability are beautifully in synch to create Apoo’s unique character profile. Even Horikoshi (MHA mangaka) praised him as one of his top 3 character profiles in One Piece. Hope he’s not out for good, albeit hoping he’s not back as anti-Kaido.
I'm glad Drake got to have his moment because he's been underused so far. Unfortunately for y'all, OP isn't a traditional battle manga. It's unpowerscalable. Most "fights" are encounters and skirmishes. So reactionary responses to every panel of a hit landing are so ridiculous lol Provides no ground for rational discourse, but provides fooooood for the memers :myman:
Ugh, if chapter 1000 gonna be Yamato or Ace flashback, I'm dropping this garbage. An absolute garbage/shit of a character getting focused in the middle of the war out of the blue... and then Ace shit again, bringing Sabo (Ace 2.0) wasn't enough for Oda?

Akainu should come to Wano and fist Yamato through her shit of a head.

Apoo being fine after Zolo's attack... who would've guessed:catsure:
WW df is alright but why the fuck is he laying around?
Sasaki df was predictable af.
Maria being spider is way better than an ugly dino fruit.

Killer is probably gonna fight beat up Jack next chapter and let Kid through
Lmao calling a character garbage/shit while you stan an absolute trash of a character, oh the irony:steef:
New update from Korean Leaks.
And confirmed spoilers from Redon.
Thank you

- Marco uses his skills to stop the spread of the virus.
- It seems that the virus depends on the physical capacity of the person or something like that.
- Apoo wounded up but Drake defeats him.
- Franky Vs Sasaki, who is a user of the Ryuu Ryuu no Mi Model Triceratops.
- Sanji Vs Black Maria, who is a user of th Kumo Kumo no Mi (Kumo means spider) model Rosamygale grauvogeli
- Jinbe Vs. Who's Who, who is a user of the Neko Neko no Mi model "Saber tooth" or Smilodon.
- Yamato sees a statue of a beaten dragon, says that a friend broke it. It looks like it's Ace.
- Yamato: "A man came a few years ago to kill my father."

Fucking callled it !!!!!

Apoo is fuckinsjajfjwjsjdn back already!!!!! Endurance King !!!!!!! Zoro's lethality feat is in....

Wasnt even a speed feat. Now isnt even a lethality feat. Trash ass shit....cant even keep Apoo down with a sneak attack. And they had the audacity to say it was better than Sanji vs Oven.


Next Black Maria is a fucking Spider :finally::finally::finally:

Oh this will be a marvelous week:pepedoffy:
. Prove me the opposite bud.
Nothing is easier like this:

. Kinemon is the strongest man and for all we know he is parasite material for Doflamingo.
When we get the information that Kinemon was strongest scabbard, when he was a parasite material when he easily no sell a cheap shot of Doffy?

In terms on your own "powerlvl" ranking you place Doffy around YC1.5-2lvl right?
And the Jack a YC3 and equal to Doffy get curbstomped by two Sulong Minks. Do you need more then this?
Fine next thing is that all Scabbard take on Kaido and hurt him more then Boundman could ever do(because of Ryou ofc), with means lethal power Scabbards>>>>>>Doflamingo
Also they take the respect of Kaido while he calling Doffy out for beeing weak.

Do we need more after a dude similar strong as Doffy get stomped by just two?
Do you say also that Doffy can stomp all calamity, because all Scabbards=>three calamity...
Do you say that Doffy can solo 6Jinbe lvl characters?

Bro I love you post sometimes but you really need to think twice about your own powerlvl scaling and fix it in right terms.:sanmoji:
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