What will happen in chapter 1000?

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It's hilarious that rope and chains are enough to keep people that can punch through thick steel with ease entrapped. Only in One Piece.
Those are Kairoseki chains though. Hard as diamond and taxing for DF users.

But I'm sure Maria's webs are tough too. But Sanji can set his body on fire (Hell Memories). Should be able to burn through it.
can't wait to see how apoo looks after such a deadly paper cut
Injured and in pain from standing. There's a reason the spoiler provider talks about Apoo's wounds but don't talk about anybody else's. Which means his injuries are severe and has a major effect on him. Sanji is also injured but he didn't talk about his injuries.

Here is the spoiler from earlier -

제목 "고대종"

* 마르코의 불사조 능력으로 빙귀의 효과를 어느 정도 상쇄.
감염자의 체력에 한계가 오면 다시 빙귀 효과 진행될 거라 쵸파가 항체 생산을 서두른다.

* 아푸 일어서지만 이번에는 드레이크에게 털림..

* 대결 구도 차례차례 분량 할애되어 등장.

* 사사키 "용용 열매 고대종 모델 트리케라톱스" v s 프랑키

* 블랙마리아 "거미거미 열매 고대종 모델 로사미가레 그라우보게리" v s 상디

rosamigare graubogeri 이렇게 알려준 거라 정확히 맞는 명칭인지는 모르겠음.

* 후즈후 "고양이고양이 열매 고대종 모델 샤벨 타이거" v s 징베

* 야마토가 부숴진 용의 동상을 보고 친구가 부순 것이라 말하면서
"몇년 전 아버지를 죽이러 온 남자"라고 운을 띄우며 에이스 관련 회상 시작인 듯 하며 998화 끝.

Here is the spoiler translated with Google -
Title "Ancient Bell"

* Marco's Phoenix ability to some extent offset the effects of Binggu.
When the limit of the infected person's physical strength comes, Chopper rushes to produce antibodies because the binggu effect will proceed again.

* It hurts to stand up, but this time, Drake beats him...

* The confrontation composition also appears in turn.

* Sasaki "Dragon Fruit Ancient Species Model Triceratops" v s Frankie

* Black Maria "Spider Spider Fruit Ancient Species Model Rosa Migare Graubogeri" v s Sanji

rosamigare graubogeri I don't know if it's exactly the right name because I told you this.

* Who's Who "Cats and Cats Fruit Ancient Species Model Sabel Tiger" v s Jinbe

* When Yamato saw the statue of a smashed dragon, a friend said that it was broken.
“A man who came to kill his father a few years ago” seemed to be the beginning of the ace-related recollection, and episode 998 ends.


Bald Spoiler Provider
Injured and in pain from standing. There's a reason the spoiler provider talks about Apoo's wounds but don't talk about anybody else's. Which means his injuries are severe and has a major effect on him. Sanji is also injured but he didn't talk about his injuries.

Here is the spoiler from earlier -

제목 "고대종"

* 마르코의 불사조 능력으로 빙귀의 효과를 어느 정도 상쇄.
감염자의 체력에 한계가 오면 다시 빙귀 효과 진행될 거라 쵸파가 항체 생산을 서두른다.

* 아푸 일어서지만 이번에는 드레이크에게 털림..

* 대결 구도 차례차례 분량 할애되어 등장.

* 사사키 "용용 열매 고대종 모델 트리케라톱스" v s 프랑키

* 블랙마리아 "거미거미 열매 고대종 모델 로사미가레 그라우보게리" v s 상디

rosamigare graubogeri 이렇게 알려준 거라 정확히 맞는 명칭인지는 모르겠음.

* 후즈후 "고양이고양이 열매 고대종 모델 샤벨 타이거" v s 징베

* 야마토가 부숴진 용의 동상을 보고 친구가 부순 것이라 말하면서
"몇년 전 아버지를 죽이러 온 남자"라고 운을 띄우며 에이스 관련 회상 시작인 듯 하며 998화 끝.

Here is the spoiler translated with Google -
Title "Ancient Bell"

* Marco's Phoenix ability to some extent offset the effects of Binggu.
When the limit of the infected person's physical strength comes, Chopper rushes to produce antibodies because the binggu effect will proceed again.

* It hurts to stand up, but this time, Drake beats him...

* The confrontation composition also appears in turn.

* Sasaki "Dragon Fruit Ancient Species Model Triceratops" v s Frankie

* Black Maria "Spider Spider Fruit Ancient Species Model Rosa Migare Graubogeri" v s Sanji

rosamigare graubogeri I don't know if it's exactly the right name because I told you this.

* Who's Who "Cats and Cats Fruit Ancient Species Model Sabel Tiger" v s Jinbe

* When Yamato saw the statue of a smashed dragon, a friend said that it was broken.
“A man who came to kill his father a few years ago” seemed to be the beginning of the ace-related recollection, and episode 998 ends.
Also, it's clearly referring to Jinbe as a Shichibukai. Ain't no Tobi Roppo strong enough to be a Shichibukai. We been over this. Moriah went toe to toe with Curiel who was Top 5-6 fighter in WB's crew, and he was "too weak to be a Shichibukai".

I mean Oda could pull a major ace up his sleeve by revealing that Who's Who is massively stronger than he lets on, but I doubt it.
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