Who will Zoro Cut (not the fish Kaido)

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He actually considered Oden a family member. He even saw a brother in him.

As for your "risking his crewmembers argument": In that case he shouldn't have tried to save Ace either.

Massive bullshit writing, no matter how you turn it.
Ace case is different...he is still alive.....Oden is dead and WB didn't have any obligation to save Wano just because it was his brothers country.......they are pirates, not heroes
pease tell me something more credible other than "bullshit writing or any such standard trashtalk"....
What the fuck are you even talking, shortcuts? Every straw hat take shortcuts, they are pirates not honorable bitches, Zoro took enma, even tho he had 3 swords already, he wanted to get stronger with this ``short cut``, he begged his goal to train him lmao. You are 100% anti Sanji at this point, so Luffy wants to take shortcuts because he is a pirate, he said this to katakuri, the shortcuts already happened in dresszoro when he got help vs doffy, I can give you many exemples. The same with zoro and his swords/training.
What does their ambition has to do with taking shortcuts? Wtf do you even try to say? That the raid suit is a shortcut? Well no shit. So is enma. Next.:whitepress:
YESSS, everyone took shortcut is what I am saying.. and I'm saying it's OK for Sanji to use RAID SUIT because he is not obligated to only restrict himself to use his body alone... He is not obligated to JUST get powerful through haki alone... it's ok and fine to use tools... because EVERYONE in the show gets shortcuts EVEN when some should not take shortcuts because their dream is centered around it
YESSS, everyone took shortcut is what I am saying.. and I'm saying it's OK for Sanji to use RAID SUIT because he is not obligated to only restrict himself to use his body alone... He is not obligated to JUST get powerful through haki alone... it's ok and fine to use tools... because EVERYONE in the show gets shortcuts EVEN when some should not take shortcuts because their dream is centered around it
Then why the fuck we were even arguing?:lusalty:
DF are shortcuts... if you don't want to admit that, it's your choice... but yeah, Luffy took a short cut because of DFs...

However no one complains about it because he WAS INTRODUCED in chapter 1 as rubber man...
and because also the Rubber DF in base level powers is SOOOO WEAK compared to other DF... so Luffy had to work his way up for it and get creative with his DF... this is why no one complains... but let's say Oda gave him Magma fruit... that shit would be the biggest short cut of all time for MC to get...

It's a fact that Luffy got a short cut... but the jump with his DF is MADE through effort... because no one can become as creative as Luffy with Rubber...

It's a power that Ace himself looked down on at beginning and stated it's useless fruit in fighting... that's why people can ignore such shortcut because Luffy himself made it good...

But someone like Blackbeard for example, that bastard had the BIGGEST SHORTCUT in history if anime... he became a Yonko by breaking rules of One Piece, eating TWO DF... and also stealing WB fruit on spot by a method NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT... just because he read the book of DF

Wouldn't Sanji as someone who read the book know about the method too?

if that isn't biggest asspull in history that everyone ignores JUST BECAUSE he's a villain Zehahaha, I like dark villain, OMG type of fans... then I don't know what would be bigger asspull
I dont think he knows how to steal df's just because he read some book tho.....Would be extremely disapointed in Oda if he knows it just because of that.
Read Redon's summary, it's about unnecessary casualties.
Which is even more hilarious, since it doesn't make any sense at all.

WB started an entire fucking war with the marines to get back Ace and even called all of his allied friends to help him.
Here his sworn brother Oden's country is in grave danger, his crewmates even try to convince him to go to Wano and it would "only" be one Yonkou crew they would have to defeat.

He didn't even bother asking about where Oden is.

Then Ace tells him what happened and that all their friends in Wano are oppressed, killed and in great danger, since Oden is dead.

Yet instead of avenging is sworn brother Oden, somehow WB is like: "Naaaaah, not interested fam."

It's so, so bad, it's hilarious. It would've been better if Oda didn't try to explain it at all. Now he just tried to insult the intelligence of all his readers with such poor excuses.
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