Yeah right just like when she mid diffed Ulti when she fought her all she did was a sneak attack lol
Who's Who > Sasaki => Jinbei > Snack
Yeah sure
Keep believing that.
Ulti was treated like a joke, she was talking to luffy and toying with her.
Ace that fought Yamato and Jinbei was shortly Commander after when he joined WB.
No flyer can beat or push base yamato to extreme diff.
Unless you think anyone of them cN toy with g2 and g3 ....
Only Katakuri, Fuji, Cracker, yamato treated g2 and g3 like it is none much. In fact yamato did better vs luffy than fuji did.
The only flyer somewhat strong as mid high tiers is WhoWho
That's why oda will make mid/weak trio beat the other flyers in act 4.