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Damn he had style, R.I.P GOAT

Marco remembering Ace and bringing Zoro to the top

There's also the beheaded Kaido statue by Yamato !

The end of the chapter is awesome, I wonder what they're gonna put in next chapter... maybe Rocks stuff ?? Or Luffy and Zoro reaching the top ? Would be awesome

I think the plan will fail definitely now, the Road Poneglyph is not on onigashima and Kaido needs to be defeated in front of everyone !

Kaido will succeed in dropping Onigashima on Flower Capital !!!! Everyone will realize Orochi is a dead piece of shit and that they were sold to a piece of shit dragon dictator !! Luffy will be a hero and obviously defeat Kaido in front of everyone.

But defeating isn't enough, Kaido will wake up once again after a knockout or try to escape or try to kill everyone but Zoro will beehad him !

That's my prediction for the future events
Crammed chapter. Credit to Oda and his team for the effort. Even more impressive, there’s a singular thematic thread tying together every past and present event shown. The Will of D. This is one of most important Luffy chapters in the entire manga. If you read closely, every scene is directly or indirectly proclaiming Luffy as Joy Boy. Especially Whitebeard’s decision not to pursue Kaido. I know the few Luffy fans we have here probably feel the same way (Although seeing some of those poll results there are a lot of hidden Luffy stans here....where y'all hiding at? :watchout:)

Here’s how I see the sequence of events:

1) Oden and Roger discover the Will of D and One Piece. Realize they’re 20 years too early to be Joy Boy’s inheritors
2) Roger declares his son will be the man Joy Boy is waiting for
3) Oden refuses Roger’s assistance, vows to prepare Wano and “wait” 20 years for Joy Boy.
Not going to rant again on Toki’s wasted potential here.

4) Roger meets Whitebeard. Explains the Will of D, Joy Boy and One Piece
5)Whitebeard takes in Ace believing, that being Roger’s son, he was destined to be the man Roger and Joy Boy are waiting for

Whitebeard found out the hard way Ace wasn’t the one, but knew someone will certainly arrive as per Joy Boy’s prophecy. He bowed out stating as much, ending the old era and setting the stage for Joy Boy’s inheritor.

Whitebeard wanted to save Ace, but as jarring as it is to realize after 400 chapters, it wasn’t just because he was family. He believed Ace to be the one to open Wano as Joy Boy. Certainly, he wanted to avenge Oden, but knew it was pointless. Only Joy Boy could. Unlike hot headed Ace, he had a bird’s eye view of the next 20 years, Will of D and One Piece. As the leader of the era, he made the unemotional politically and historically sound decision. Losing crewmates in a Yonko war that’ll probably drag on for days wouldn’t bring Oden back. And as per Oden and the prophecy, only Joy Boy (or Ace in Whitebeard’s belief) could achieve Oden’s dream.

Yamato read Oden journal. She obtained the same knowledge Whitebeard had. She knew Joy Boy would appear on this day on Wano. She’s been waiting for Luffy. The man started a revolution while shackled in an underground prison, of course it's his fate. The D storm is coming :madmonk::afrokappa:
TL;DR: Luffy is about to, unintentionally of course, turn the world upside down :finally:
Dude nice analysis....make a thread based on it...people need to see the sequence of events and realize the big picture Oda trying to potray.....as expected, always comes up with nice analysis...:cheers:


Some random shit that I thought reading the chapter a second time
  • Queen’s neck is so THICC the chapter needs a NSFW tag :steef:
  • Absolutely HATE that the Scabbards’ fate is still in the dark. No way they’re all dead, but the teasing is ANNOYING
  • Ace and Yamato’s relationship is so wholesome. Ace wished he wasn’t Roger’s son. Yamato wishes she wasn’t Kaido’s daughter. Momo accepted his name. They can’t.
  • I like Robin’s gradual development into a more cheerful and goofy character post Enies Lobby. A kidnapping attempt has been foreshadowed on Zou, I wonder how she would deal with it now that she’s a totally different character.

  • Marco looks so dorky with those glasses:datas:
  • Always thought if Chapter 1000 wasn’t Luffy, Kid, Law, Zoro vs Kaido and Big Mom, it’d be Xebec flashback. The ending might indicate we’re headed in that direction. It’d be a bold but interesting decision.
  • More hints that Blackbeard might be Xebec’s son. “You want to take down a bigshot" is just the type of philosophy Xebec had. He never fit in Whitebeard’s crew.
  • Cavendish craves fame, and his running gag is that others misremember his name (Cabbage, Caven-something lmao)
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