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World's Strongest Swordsman
And yet, the people I’m talking to and about, do.

How much do I owe your for rent, with all that space I’m taking up in your skull? Obsessed?

Also, you’re someone who advocates for Zoro killing Kaido. You don’t need to be telling anyone to get a close.
You got bodied. You clearly cant read just take Ls all the time.
All you clowns will get bodied dont worry

Don DaSlayer

The Peerless swordsman
I’m gonna ask you guys a question and I need your honest answer.

do y’all really believe that in an arc where luffy is being premade to surpass the yonkou kaido one of the most terrifying and powerful forces in ALL of one piece zoro his first mate is going to outshine him? I need a honest answer
Luffy beating kaidos ass. And Zoro killing him. Sanji might cook him after he gets chopped up.:cheers:
Or more like you've been switching up quick since this arc started:

Firstly hyped orochi as YC or top tier level before he got revealed, even before the arc started.
Hyped zoro to be the one to hurt kaido first (not Retainers or luffy)
Hyped Zoro to take back shishui
Hyped King above YCs or be crazily strong coz he will fight zoro

The only thing you got right is zoro making it to the roof and fighting Kaido.

Great reading comprehension
Don't know why you crying

Most of what you stated are manufactured by you.
But Enel does big attacks with Arc maxim. Very different from Zoro.

Every other Enel attack couldn't kill a single person, including fodder. Which is different from Zoro.

For example, Zoro avin Admiral level AP easily translates to Zoro has admiral level defence. Since haki is what translates to AP, haki is also what used to block.

By that I mean, Zoro should be able to block the Admiral level attack he himself used.

See how that works. This is a physical stat unlike Enel whose powers don't actually affect his physical stats. His admiral level AP using maxim doesn't give him admiral level defence or speed or whatever
Lighting is comparable in speed to light. How does Enel not have admiral level speed when he’s transformed?
Killer isn't a scrub.
And he isn't strong either. There's nothing that puts him above Apoo, Hawkins or Drake and each of them are decisively below Jack.

To think that Killer is anywhere near commander range because he stands before Yonkou is hilarious. It's literally the Kinemon effect and we know how that turned out in the end.

People actually had that Bum Kinemon at YC1 level, oh dear god
I’m gonna ask you guys a question and I need your honest answer.

do y’all really believe that in an arc where luffy is being premade to surpass the yonkou kaido one of the most terrifying and powerful forces in ALL of one piece zoro his first mate is going to outshine him? I need a honest answer
To be fair, the arc is made around "new era surpasses the old". This theme has been pretty obvious.
It was highlighted by Brulee´s speech in the woods, once again mentioned by BM herself, than Kaidou claimed they were children playing pirates and so forth.
Luffy being at the top of the new era is not contradicting the others getting their limelight.
Enel should be hotter than Akainu and Ace. We saw him instantly melt and manipulate metal, and Raigou’s ap wise are above Entei and any we’ve seen from Akainu as of yet.
Enel doesn't have CoA. There's no way he has admiral lvl AP without it.
Oda doesn't care about physics.
When Akainu hits someone he dies.
When Enel hits someone not so much.
Damn zoro fans giving out smoke to everyone today including luffy fans?????? Y’all gotta chill mane😭😭😭
I mean, they consider that Zoro facing Kaido and Big Mom is a big deal(it is a big deal, but not huge), but they forget that the scabbards hurt Kaido and now they are gone(for now....probably), i mean.... even Raizo hurt Kaido. Don't get me wrong, facing an Emperor is cool but having to win a fight 1on1 is a bigger feat for me. Zoro will hurt Kaido, of course, like i said... even the scabbards did, but ZKK ain't happening, if Kaido bleeds from Luffy's attack in this chapter... the chance of ZKK happening is around 1%.
As far as I can tell, reopening Kaido's scar is already above YC.
Thats if it even happens first. Which is my point. I dont think it will personally. I think hes going to have to deal with King after some shift in the battle when the YC fights are set up. Right now, Jack, Queen and King are not poised to fight anyone truly. Marco is "holding" off both but there are no hints him actually getting a fully warranted fight against either.

Secondly, I think there's a huge discrepancy going on in the Zoro fanbase. Half think hes just going to cut Kaido like Oden, but Luffy will deliver the finishing blow. The other half thinks Luffy will "win", but Zoro cuts Kaido's head off.

All I'm saying is we need to wait and see what happens. Everyone for sure thought Jinbe was fighting Jack, now he's fighting WsW. People thought Franky vs. Sasaki was dead in the water because Yamato started fighting his armored group, but then he showed up out of nowhere to take over, reviving that matchup.

We all need to have patience before we jump the gun. This is going excruciatingly slow because of how many different battles going on, so it may take us a long time to even see what happens.

If you guys are right, awesome, I have no issue with that, at least if Oda explains it logically.
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