Tbh if the weakened scabbards are still meant to do anything this arc, then taking on Orochi subordinates and maybe the rest of the Numbers is probably the best bet. You can give 5 of the current 9 a Number to fight, and the remaining 4 to Hotei, Fukurokuju, Kanjuro and Orochi. Assuming Kanjuro and Orochi are fine.
Something like:
- Inu, Neko, Asura, Kawamatsu, Izo vs 5 remaining Numbers (or maybe all 10 if they recover)
- Kiku vs Kanjuro round 2 (if he faked his death/defeat)
- Raizo vs Fukurokuju
- Denjiro vs Hotei
- Kinemon vs Orochi
Not saying any of these fights would be high diff, but could be interesting if all scabbards are near death.
Add that to:
- Carrot/Wanda/Pedro/Peckoms vs Perospero
- Killer/Drake vs Smoothie
- Killer/Drake vs Snack
- Hawkins vs Campote
- Apoo vs Daifuku
- Chopper vs Page 1
- Usopp/Nami vs Ulti
- Brook/Robin vs Black Maria
- Franky vs Sasaki
- Jinbe vs WsW
- Yamato vs Jack
- Sanji vs Queen
- Zoro vs King
- Luffy, Law, and Kid vs Kaido and Big Mom
And you now cover virtually every potential fight this arc with every non-fodder character (Numbers are only pseudo fodder:p). Yakuza bosses can fight Hotei and Fukurokuju's unique subordinates. Law and Kid's crews can assist in fighting Big Mom fodder a few of the slightly stronger ones (they'd probably would need help)
I've solved the impossible thread of matchups
