Truer words have never been spoken. These guys wish Sanji was treated half as good as Zoro despite them pretending and claiming that they find Zoro off putting.
Their biggest claim to Sanji being powerful is riding on Zoro's coattail. They keep associating every feats Zoro gets to Sanji for whatever reasons.
Sanji was so weak in DR (neg diffed by Mingo) and throughout post skip in general that Oda had to pluck out a raid suit to make him relevant fighting wise again, yet during Dressrossa or throughout the entire post skip before RS, Sanji boys were still claiming that he's close to Zoro despite Sanji w/o the suit canonically being fodders to heavy hitters in the NW (Doflamingo, Vergo also humiliated him).
Problem is that some people just don't understand that Zoro and Sanji aren't Naruto and Sasuke written to be fighting rivals. Oda writes Zoro as a warrior with a goal to become the WSS. Fighting and strength is at the core of his character and theme. Sanji on the other hand is a cook that happens to be good at fighting so he helps when SH need muscles.
Doesn't make them similar.