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1) Sanji and his Kalifa fiasco in Enies Lobby, somewhat made it up with Hunter stuff and being clutch in the end, so the after-taste was not so bad
2) Thriller Bark and his lecherous fight against Absalom
3) Turned into a tranny and gave up the principle that he was supposed to hold over anything else
4) post-TS supposed jokes were annoying
5) nosebleed turned into an actual plot point
6) Told Jinbe to kill himself to make up for his supposed role in letting loose Arlong, butted in without it being his place
7) Was harassing Nami in Punk Hazard
8) Did not want to save the children, and also punched a defenseless head around
9) Got tricked by Viola in Dressrosa
10) Showed his lack of faith in the crew by leaving himself
11) Attacked his captain out of misguided feelings
12) Made the decision to actually stay there, and when it became apparent he got tricked, cried like a bitch
13) Failed to sincerely apologize
14) Swore to never use anything from his family, first time he got pressured immediately used it

Reasons for Sanji being trash, completely devoid from power level stuff
I might become a Kid and Killer fan just to say Killer > Sanji
I mean, i'm not a huge fan of Kidd, but i gotta say i really like Killer...

His design was cool back in sabaody and when he showed as Kamazou in Wano + the anime adaptation + amazing voice actor, he is definitely a character i find really cool, doesn't matter if he got wrecked by Zoro, who doesn't? :milaugh:
Truer words have never been spoken. These guys wish Sanji was treated half as good as Zoro despite them pretending and claiming that they find Zoro off putting.

Their biggest claim to Sanji being powerful is riding on Zoro's coattail. They keep associating every feats Zoro gets to Sanji for whatever reasons.

Sanji was so weak in DR (neg diffed by Mingo) and throughout post skip in general that Oda had to pluck out a raid suit to make him relevant fighting wise again, yet during Dressrossa or throughout the entire post skip before RS, Sanji boys were still claiming that he's close to Zoro despite Sanji w/o the suit canonically being fodders to heavy hitters in the NW (Doflamingo, Vergo also humiliated him).

Problem is that some people just don't understand that Zoro and Sanji aren't Naruto and Sasuke written to be fighting rivals. Oda writes Zoro as a warrior with a goal to become the WSS. Fighting and strength is at the core of his character and theme. Sanji on the other hand is a cook that happens to be good at fighting so he helps when SH need muscles.

Doesn't make them similar. :kayneshrug:
This post is 100% facts
About Sanji's power lvl..i dont think ive ever seen a Sanji fan bringing up his feats/portrayal etc without bringing up Zoro..lmao they are always trashing Zoro but Zoro is the only reason he's even relevant power wise when they talk about Sanji lol
Such a pity.

Just look at some Sanjiboys saying that Sanji can hurt Kaido now because Zoro will 100% injure him or do more than that
The reason I dislike Sanji has nothing to do with his fans, I just find him irredeemably selfish. It started in Enies Lobby when he couldn’t put aside his shit beliefs against Khalifa even with Robin’s life at stake and was made a thousand times worse with everything he did in WCI.

No other Straw Hat puts their belief system over their crewmates’ lives like Sanji does.
I mean, i'm not a huge fan of Kidd, but i gotta say i really like Killer...

His design was cool back in sabaody and when he showed as Kamazou in Wano + the anime adaptation + amazing voice actor, he is definitely a character i find really cool, doesn't matter if he got wrecked by Zoro, who doesn't? :milaugh:
Killer is calm and composed, he doesn’t fuck around. I like characters like that. So Killer > Sanji. Killer has Ryuo. Killer is going to Wound Big Mom. Killer doesn’t have to bake a cake to wound Big Mom.

Killer trying > RS Sanji > Killer not trying > Sanji
This post is 100% facts
About Sanji's power lvl..i dont think ive ever seen a Sanji fan bringing up his feats/portrayal etc without bringing up Zoro..lmao they are always trashing Zoro but Zoro is the only reason he's even relevant power wise when they talk about Sanji lol
Such a pity.

Just look at some Sanjiboys saying that Sanji can hurt Kaido now because Zoro will 100% injure him or do more than that

That Sanji lots never bring feats. They leech off Zoro to keep overrating Sanji. The guy got neg diffed by Mingo, humiliated by Vergo yet his stans were always loudly claiming that he's in Zoro's ballpark. Ask them why and their reason is that Zoro and Sanji are supposed to be close, I mean according to who exactly?:suresure:

Now they'll start claiming that Sanji is worthy of being put in the same space as Kaido to fight him because as usual they got to ride Zoro's coattail. :kriwhat:
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It's also weird how Brook also has the pervert gag, but to me that use of it is so much better, in fact i think Brook is much better "gentleman" than Sanji, how other people like to call him...

Because Brook always asks for permission to see their panties, and the best part about it is that Brook doesn't judge women just on appearances like Sanji, the most superficial guy in the Straw Hats, my boy Brook wants to see all the panties, even Big Mom's, i respect that
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