Talk to your boi @Big D. Kaios

A fellow sanji fan who lost a bet regarding sanji with me and was like "it's just a prank bro"

At this point Im assuming yu sanj fans have no honor. The same way I know you're gonna lose is the same way I know you won't take the penalty and say "it's just a prank. Of course I knew Oda would keep sanji in hus place. I was just baiting all along"
but sanji did appear in 1000
Zoro never was. The idea that he’d fight comes from Zoro fans who forget that he’s not the main character. Luffy is.
Why are you delusional
I’ll never be that cause Zoro gets further from Kaido every chapter
His plot is aimed on the ground more than anything else. Zoro has zero beef or reason to fight Kaido.
Lol this dude went so hard in so many threads. As the story goes on all the dumb shit his fingers put to keyboard will eventually be called.

But hey you weren't the only one