Talk to your boi @Big D. Kaios

A fellow sanji fan who lost a bet regarding sanji with me and was like "it's just a prank bro"

At this point Im assuming yu sanj fans have no honor. The same way I know you're gonna lose is the same way I know you won't take the penalty and say "it's just a prank. Of course I knew Oda would keep sanji in hus place. I was just baiting all along"
I....won the bet though......what are you on about?
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No worries @stealthblack these Zoro fans will ALWAYS take L’s we can’t blame them for having a limited mindset!
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No, my new years resolution is to be less toxic and support all fandoms
Then support this. Sanji>>>>Zoro
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Easy W’s!
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Zoro Worshipper
Then support this. Sanji>>>>Zoro
Oddly enough even if Sanji killed a yonko by himself this statement would still technically not hold truth. Meanwhile if Sanji will manage to fight off a legit top tier and hold his ground we could at least claim that he climbed up high tiers and catched up with the likes of Base Dressrosa Sabo at least.
Zoro never was. The idea that he’d fight comes from Zoro fans who forget that he’s not the main character. Luffy is.
Ok guys this is what happens when you just see the images not read it..
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994 brought the biggest L to zoro, he is stuck chasing apoo for 1 hour for antidote and help cure the people down there, he is not going anymore up there with luffy. sanji is going up there instead of zoro.

the way it's going apoo is zoro's match this arc and at best he will also face the new kaku, queen.

This is so embarrassing, guess that you have really fucking thick skin dude i salute you
994 brought the biggest L to zoro, he is stuck chasing apoo for 1 hour for antidote and help cure the people down there, he is not going anymore up there with luffy. sanji is going up there instead of zoro.

the way it's going apoo is zoro's match this arc and at best he will also face the new kaku, queen.

Man, you are like atlas right now holding up the L.