Would the hints make more sense for someone who's famed around the world with a Fire Epithet, or just dealing with Yonko gimmicks like Brook already did in WCI, or Kinemon earlier this arc.
Apparenly he's going to defeat no swordsman of worth in the country of Ryuma/ Oden.
No, that's a false equivalence. WCI was never about fighting Big Mom, it was about retrieving Sanji and stealing a Poneglyph. Wano is about fighting and defeating Kaido.
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Well just picture it. Is it a bigger moment to cut through Kings ultimate Fire Sword attack and defeat him as the culmination of those hints that were sprinkled through out hundreds of chapter, or he does something that Kinemon already did without being that big of a deal.
Apparently not. We don't know a single swordsman of note defeated by Mihawk and he's holding the title