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Hmm, It's only that the opening post did mention that this game featured an informed minority against and uninformed majority, so I didn't actually think about the second option being valid. Because Mafia being uninformed for now would put them at a disadvantage don't you think?

Is this another mechanic of bastard games?
I don't think it puts them at a disadvantage if the hosts don't even know who the other scums are yet. It might have to do with a route we pick or something the ones who knows they are scum does. In fact it helps them if they believe they are town atm. So I don't think we can eliminate it being something possible. I also could be completely stupid and wrong lol.


There's no "Tina!"
Nope. She did after I did.

The point is, you say what Rej could have thought, but he himself didn't answer this.

Other reads:

Al and Michelle: Their argument was pretty heated. Not sure if it was Town vs Scum or Town vs Town. I think one of them is Town for sure as I don't feel Scum vs Scum vibes.

Strawberry: Town lean.

Zem and Juliet: After me stating the ??? thing Zem insta agreed with me while Juliet later claimed how the role looks like. As far as I'm concerned they're both confirmed Town from this.

Finalbeta: Town vibes.

Fuji: His lack of a Flower vote is concerning.

Midnight: Scum lean.

You: 50/50. I like your analyzing, but it's you and you can easily fake this.
Sorry then, my bad. Reborn corrected me as well.

Hmm, well Michelle and others including myself exchanged posts a bit. So you can read that over to get a more clear read of her.

Strawberry got banned and replaced by Robin. But I liked Strawberry's gameplay as well when he was here and Juliet for pointing out the empty thing.

The rest you mentioned are pretty neutral for me. Fuji barely has any presence in the game.

Oh you're so sweet regarding my read. Go ahead and put me as town, don't worry about it.
Okay, I read every post of yours, Rej, and all you do is try to get people to vote me up. You never actually replied to me nor did you explain your reasoning. You also seem panicky.

The vote stays.
Sorry then, my bad. Reborn corrected me as well.

Hmm, well Michelle and others including myself exchanged posts a bit. So you can read that over to get a more clear read of her.

Strawberry got banned and replaced by Robin. But I liked Strawberry's gameplay as well when he was here and Juliet for pointing out the empty thing.

The rest you mentioned are pretty neutral for me. Fuji barely has any presence in the game.

Oh you're so sweet regarding my read. Go ahead and put me as town, don't worry about it.
I don't trust you lmfao.

For all I know you're gonna turn into Nekron again and turn me into a Zombie.

Hell, you even faked Shion's posting style back then.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Vote Lynch Michelle

this feels pretty ok rn

> lots of people interacted with her
> al sama feels pretty townie to me with how agressive he was
> currently lanji feels pretty townie too and both were on her
> fixation on fb being town was a little weird
Kiwi as town pretty solid player. She builds case properly.

But this post is totally off. Look at the arguments kiwi gave to vote mich

It's not that you voted Michelle is an problem but your arguments reflect that you don't have much at all on mich but simply went with the flow

1) you based your opinion on your town lean lanji and al who are on Michelle.

2)it reflects you are trying to pocket them.

3)the timing is too convenient because mich were getting votes so it also reflects bussing.
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