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There's no "Tina!"
Remember dude.

Never ask a girl about her age.

Finalbeta to speak normally

And, a bald man about hairstyle or haircut lmao

Thanks ✌️

Baldness is sexy 😏
I never imagined you were bald. When I first saw you with the Soma avatar on OJ. I for some reason pictured you look like Soma xD

Don't worry Krogo was my first Pick! After you, of course.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I never imagined you were bald. When I first saw you with the Soma avatar on OJ. I for some reason pictured you look like Soma xD

Don't worry Krogo was my first Pick! After you, of course.
I am bald. Totally bald. I have hair but I shave my head on daily basis to keep myself bald.

You can see how I look in show yourself thread (last 2-3 pages) .

Also, how the hell you remember that I used to wear soma avy? 😑😑
no lynch is silly,
It will be like this day never happened.
we need to at least try and get an anti town lynched.
we will gain information from what people did/voted on
imagine voting no lynch instead of voting for uWu

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