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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
@Zem did you receive something last night?
Here flowa ask zem that she received something
I do not think so no. I just got a role but that is it. I didn't have a message out side that besides say my role was added.
Zem replies she didn't.
Check again, please.
Flower again asked her.
No ma'am nothing.
Zem denied.
I had a N0 action. But I was just told what I sent you isn't processed immediately, so you should receive it the next phases.
Now flower tells that what she sent on N0 will be received next phase.

Now I want clarifications regarding two matters here.

1)Flowa send something on N0 which will be received Next phase. But, The next phase is D1. So zem should receive whatever flowa send.

2)i don't know but whenever there is an innate delay in an ability to get manifest then it should be mentioned in the roles right? @Noctis @Zem @AL sama are better host so they should clarify

But according to flower it was not mentioned.
I was looking at what Robin's claim could possibly be, and by doing so i saw some characters there, plenty of which have conversion/mind control powers.

I will say that im unsure about the people who can be good/cops here, which is why i said i think i know.
Yo don’t rely on the roles to tell alignment, that’s a dead end.

Unless if you want us to lynch you rn as a villain :catsure:


I'm sure our hosts would be happy to clarify this for us all to avoid further confusion.

@Dragomir @novaselinenever what do you tell a player whose ability fails due to mechanical reasons? What do you tell a player who is roleblocked?
If you believe that we have made a mistake, please address the issue with us via Private message. This goes for questions to the hosts as well, anything addressing the hosts should be sent through role PMs. Save any other comments for after the game.
Please follow that rule.

1) Why you picked KV.....? He was not much active on D0 if I remember well. So why you picked an inactive player for magical girl?
Most of us did not read most of day 0, and me least of all since I was subbed in partway through the phase. Accordingly, I simply chose one of the players with whom I was most well acquainted, as it is easiest to keep an eye on them. In fact, Kvothe is the person who told me about this game. Mind you, she is also a 'she', and not a 'he'.

2) Doesn't revealing yourself like this puts you under threat? I am quite sure you did this to gain town cred but why? I don't see any need for you to do this
For this exact reason:

Wait a minute, on OJ and TB only invest roles get a notification saying their action failed and by looking at your claim you are not an invest role.

Robin's claim is giving me cult leader vibes.
I was keenly aware that when I explained my abilities, I would be accused of being some sort of cultist. I figured that the longer I waited to explain myself, the worse those accusations would be. It was my hope that by being forthcoming, I could begin a close and prosperous relationship with your charming little village. The only thing I could gain from being secretive about my abilities is a longer life, yet if I had been so secretive, then that likely would have ensured my eventual demise all the same. I figure this is the best way for me to live for as long as possible, and to help toward both our wincons as well.


Are you not afraid of eventual roles featuring Superkills that could hit you?
I'm certainly frightened. Shaking, even.


This forum is retarded.
How are you a confirmed townie?

You're just confirmed as Vergo
one has to ask oneself what scum role would benefit from that, if one can reason this then I think he is voteable, but it's right maybe he isn't town but still anti-scum. And if he is anti-scum then I would value it still.
That last one is just whatever, which is why i kept it as an uncertainty.

My point about there being mindcontrol conversion is there tho, Zem is right.
There’s everything in a big game

What’s important about what Zem said is that she hints actual proof within her role, not about right or wrong
asked them on pm last night and seemed to be an error
hosts say someone with addition vote powers shudnt even show on vote count lol

maybe leaked by the host
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