I just love how I could go to bed knowing that Sanji is the only strawhat with sword immunity
Everyone else gets cut (including brook, whose head rolls right off) but all blades will shatter on Sanji, normal, haki’d, or black blades. Makes no difference for a true KING!!!
Akainu is the type of dude to turn your own cousin against you by manipulating them to kill you and then when the job is done and your cousin is all guilt ridden, broken and depressed, he’ll kick them while they’re down and laugh in their face before revealing his plans of “absolute justice” by eradicating your entire bloodline and they were next
Moral of the story. Akainu is no Yonko or ordinary Admiral
Nothing will ever impress me more than a 21 year old man who stands at 5’11 but capable of taking out 20+ foot tall opponents in their 40’s-50’s (basically their primes)
Don’t you guys just love how people were crying that Sanji vs X-Drake in the anime wasn’t canon and now they just slowly accept that if Sanji vs X-Drake were to happen, it’ll end just like that?
God I love this fandom 🤣 if One Piece is all about laughts then Worstgen might as well be the treasure’s equivalent with these bad takes
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