Jew, My estranged brother, even if we don't interact as much these days I want you to know I still think you're a person I enjoy talking to a lot! I have a lot of fun memories, hopefully it won't be the last
Wish you a merry Christmas and Happy conquest of people's hearts! 🎅
Natalija Oct 18, 2023
Happy birthday Jewel!!! Wishing you a great day, make it a blast! 🎉🍾 (stealing Rayan's emoji)
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Likes: Jew D. Boy, Warchief Sanji D Goat, Don't Mind Me and 11 others
December is just around the corner, it's still not too late for you to fulfill your 2023 resolutions.
There are electric bicycles with an 80% discount, you just need to find it.
And who knows...
Your wish to care for the environment can become a reality.
If anyone ever sends you a message containing the amalgamated word “Anyhooslebees” as a transition from one paragraph to another, even if it’s a work email, it means they desperately wanna fuck your brains out and there is no other explanation 😤😳🥵
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