Chilli Beans is not my lover
She's just a bean who claims that I am the one
But the kidney bean is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kidney bean is not my son
Passeggio tutta sola per le strade
Guardando attentamente i monumenti
La classica straniera con un'aria strana
Che gira stanca tutta la città
A un certo punto della passeggiata
Mi chiama da una parte un ragazzino
Sembrava a prima vista tanto perbenino
Si offre a far da guida per la città
Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè
Praticamente il meglio di Santa Fè
"Uhhhh, yeah, I'd like a McMighty, The IcyHot Jalepeno-Pistachio Shoto-Shake, ummmmm, some Cinnamon Grape Balls, a Six Piece Abyssal Raven Nugget, and the Uravity Astro-Fries.
Does that come in a combo? Hey, don't I know you from somewhere? Your tears look familiar."
I knew MHA fans would be mad no matter what but it's turmoil out there.
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(Never tried drugs, but Cola makes me high enough).