TheAncientCenturion Dec 2, 2020 Don't forget to vote in the NOW OPEN popularity polls! Don't forget to vote in the NOW OPEN popularity polls!
Reborn Nov 26, 2020 Welcome to worst gen. Have fun BTW, your name is unique. Nice. But....just a suggestion Instead of Imperator Caesar Divi .....go for Furaje Caesar Diva.... It will suit you more after all Furaje in roman stands for fodder 🤣🤣🤣 🏃💨💨
Welcome to worst gen. Have fun BTW, your name is unique. Nice. But....just a suggestion Instead of Imperator Caesar Divi .....go for Furaje Caesar Diva.... It will suit you more after all Furaje in roman stands for fodder 🤣🤣🤣 🏃💨💨
Akai2 Nov 24, 2020 I've always wanted to ask you this question, but now more than ever
Jew D. Boy Nov 24, 2020 There is way, WAY too much going on with this new username, man...once I’m finished reading the whole thing, you wanna tell me why you did this?
There is way, WAY too much going on with this new username, man...once I’m finished reading the whole thing, you wanna tell me why you did this?
Owl Ki Nov 23, 2020 So just as Major Lee Hung evolved to become @Admiral Lee Hung , so too have you evolved from a mere Centurion to an Imperator. The plot of S&A thickens. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So just as Major Lee Hung evolved to become @Admiral Lee Hung , so too have you evolved from a mere Centurion to an Imperator. The plot of S&A thickens. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Finalbeta Nov 23, 2020 I knew it, though I expected you to keep the Centurion theme rolling. But His Majesty is an Emperor now!!!
I knew it, though I expected you to keep the Centurion theme rolling. But His Majesty is an Emperor now!!!