TheAncientCenturion Dec 7, 2019 Don’t let @Bogard have his way, vote against that aging silver medalist Whitebears. Support King, Crocodile, Doflamingo and Fleet Admiral Sakazuki.
Don’t let @Bogard have his way, vote against that aging silver medalist Whitebears. Support King, Crocodile, Doflamingo and Fleet Admiral Sakazuki.
TheAncientCenturion Dec 5, 2019 I don't think I'll ever get the hang of avatars here. No matter the adjustments I make, they don't look good.
I don't think I'll ever get the hang of avatars here. No matter the adjustments I make, they don't look good.
Veku Dec 4, 2019 Once a year we need a anti- Zoro- wank- day to refill our reserves to make it through the rest of the year.
Once a year we need a anti- Zoro- wank- day to refill our reserves to make it through the rest of the year.
Shiroyru Dec 4, 2019 How far do you think Ace would get in this gauntlet? Vergo Law Kuma Cracker Doflamingo Katakuri Scenario 1: Pre-TS Ace Scenario 2: Current Ace who has received power boosts from the grave that miraculously keep him relevant on the power scale
How far do you think Ace would get in this gauntlet? Vergo Law Kuma Cracker Doflamingo Katakuri Scenario 1: Pre-TS Ace Scenario 2: Current Ace who has received power boosts from the grave that miraculously keep him relevant on the power scale
TheAncientCenturion Dec 1, 2019 The Bleach section is now open!
TheAncientCenturion Nov 30, 2019 I don't know how Hori keeps one upping himself. Endeavor is literally just the best.
M MD Zolo Nov 13, 2019 "Jack Nicholson > Any other Joker" Man!!! You really have a horrible taste, don't ya? How you ended up liking an awesome character like Doffy, I'll never know.
"Jack Nicholson > Any other Joker" Man!!! You really have a horrible taste, don't ya? How you ended up liking an awesome character like Doffy, I'll never know.
TheAncientCenturion Nov 12, 2019 So I need a good Queen avatar according to the Dating Room. And Queen is lackluster in fanart..