Elder Lee Hung Aug 28, 2019 Soon enough even the casuals will accept Admiral supremacy #CanTheYonkoDefeatQueen #StrongestYonkoLostHisHeadToTheDog
Soon enough even the casuals will accept Admiral supremacy #CanTheYonkoDefeatQueen #StrongestYonkoLostHisHeadToTheDog
S Shura Aug 28, 2019 have my follow Topi kun.....nice to see you are "trolling" Zoro for a change..LoL
King7 Aug 27, 2019 I just realized another problem with Sabo fighting Akainu . That is , it'll be BS if he gets Awakening in less than a year after eating Mera Mera
I just realized another problem with Sabo fighting Akainu . That is , it'll be BS if he gets Awakening in less than a year after eating Mera Mera