General & Others Zoro disagrees with Luffy MOST in the crew

I want to get rid of this weird head canon that Zoro essentially just agrees with whatever Luffy says or does with no question whatsoever. That Zoro is a "Luffy cheerleader".

I know this is a meme for jokes but I've realised that a lot of people in the community end actually using Memes as arguments after a while since they forget the story and just remember Memes instead.

To name a few things that Zoro has disagreed with with Luffy:
1. The entire Usopp situation both before the fight and when Usopp returned.
2. The entire Sanji in Zou situation.
3. The Drake thing recently
4. The Nami thing in Baratie and in Arlington park.
5. Robin Joining the crew.

And those are just from the top of my head.

See I think the problem is that, first of all, people remember Memes more than the story.

Second, Zoro and Luffy are in fact the most similar in the crew. They are so similar that people seem to remember the times they agree on things more than the times they don't. Which is weird since everyone seems to love drama and yer they forget the moments of Drama in the story.

Zoro and Luffy are so similar that when they do disagree, it's on actually important things. Because someone I'm sure is going say "All the times Usopp says he doesn't want to go on island counts as Usopp not agreeing with Luffy" as if gags matter.

Third, Zoro respects the chain of command. He follows orders he doesn't agree with because he respects chain of command. Somehow this got lost in people's minds as "Zoro agrees with Luffy all the time and actively supports the exact decisions Luffy makes."

Like we've even seen this play out. In Alabasta, Luffy tells Zoro to save Smoker from drowning and Zoro does it, but when the marines arrive to arrest the straw hats, Zoro goes off on him showing he wasn't even in support of the decision to save him in the first place. But I guess this got lost somewhere in the Memes.

Anyway, Memes will be Memes. I'm sure these people will forget this post even quicker than they forgot the actual story.
You forget mentioning Brooks. Zoro was so angry to Sanji and Nami for letting Luffy recruiting Brooks the first time they met. Zoro is a character that doesn't trust people the moment they met. Zoro need more interaction to believe people. Zoro doesn't want to save Kinemon at PH at first, Zoro doesn't want to save Vivi, heck even saving a litte kid and a lady Zoro need discussing some terms. Zoro doesn't have the abilities to read people heart like Luffy and Sanji (mostly with women but Kinemon in PH shown Sanji can care for male also)
He was horrifically wrong about all of those points except number 1.
Realistically although it was a cool scene and he did have a valid argument, number 1 also, considering Usopp did fight with them to get Robin back and he only left in the begining because he was insecure in himself, not anything malicious, give it a few extra seconds and Usopp could have missed rejoining and then the whole strawhat crew will die in Dressrosa.
tji Luffy rarely ever gives commands anyways.

when he asked Zoro to save Smoker in alabasta Luffy never ordered him to. Zoro said it was an order as an excuse on why he did it. in fact, most of the crew do things Luffy suggests out of respect and not because of a "chain of command".
when a crew member wants to do something they just go and do it.

Zoro lets Luffy have his way in almost any situation even when he disagrees.
not because hes following commands. because he does not care for the most part.
as long as Luffys decisions do not interfer with his own ambition or code of honor Zoro will maybe speak his mind, but not act further.
and why would he? why would anyone as long as they get closer to their own goals?