My man, you are an absolute treasure by any definition and I wish you nothing - NOTHING!! - but the very best, because you and your family deserve it!! May this birthday be the best so far until the next one 🥳🤩🤓🔥💫🧁🍰🎂🎀🎉🎈🎊🎁
Aye, Happy Birthday Smoker my boy!!!!🎉🍻🎊🥳🚬😎 Wish ya a wonderful one and hope that Smoker arrives with Kizaru on Egghead since that would be the best Christmas gift for you if that were to come true.👊
@WG Mods an "in memoriam" section needs to be created in honor of @BossYimz and @KiriNigiri. Users can post whatever kind of tribute they want there (fanart, poems, gifs, etc.) to pay homage to the members we lost. Also as life progresses, we're bound to see more losses in our community, so having a dedicated area of the forum would mean a lot to the users of WG. ✌️
Finding the balance in chaos is where I think we'll find our happiness. It may take some time, a few tries, and a lot of patience but if we continue to believe, we will find peace ✌️
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