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  1. Rednick

    Character Discussion Which Characters do you stan and why?

    Crocodile: i like his design and devil fruit mostly. Although hated the inflation of his bounty. Just 1b should be fine. Drake: as a kid i was a dino nerd and allosaurus was my favorite. His design is interesting too. Hope oda utilise him more in the future. Blackbeard: the only true evil...
  2. Rednick


    Not as good as expected. I think saturn and kizaru were disrespected a little too much. Making your villains look like clowns destroys the tension. Last panel was really cool though. Solid 3/5.
  3. Rednick

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    I think all this mess started on Thriller Bark where the artstyle changed dramatically. Its strange bc the only straw hats who got affected by it were luffy and chopper. The others remained the same. Imo the tiny legs-muscular torso style is far more annoying though. Although i came to tolerate...
  4. Rednick

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    If you dont want spoilers, just dont watch anything one piece related on youtube for a while and unfollow any one piece user on platforms. Here spoilers can be found only in spoiler related threads. By doing those, the surprise element will come back, similar to no nut november. Absence will...
  5. Rednick

    Controversial Vegapunk Is Literally Dead, And Zoro Is STILL Fighting Lucci

    I think that at this point its time to accept that both are yc1 lvl and no one is stalling noone. Zoro simply CANT defeat him quickly. And where the heck is kaku?
  6. Rednick

    Chapter Discussion Any one disappointed Dragon not appearing this arc

    Yeah bc a cringy dragon-luffy interaction would be every fan's dream
  7. Rednick

    Powers & Abilities Ranking The Devil Fruit Types

    Ranking them by type is meaningless. We should rank them by tiers. Top tier: Ice, lava, fire, darkness, forrest, light, lighting logia fruits / ope ope, gura gura, zushi zushi(gravity) / nika, phoenix, daibutsu, dragon fruits. Hight tier: Ito ito (doffy), nikyu nikyu (kuma), jiki jiki (kid)...
  8. Rednick


    Can we all just appreciate how competent bb pirates are? They really elevate this manga. Now that wannabe pirate crews like the beasts and big mom pirates have ceased to exist. Its time for real pirates to start fighting each other. Bb pirates, red hair pirates and straw hat pirates are by far...
  9. Rednick


    This "luffy loses, then eats food and comes back to win it all" situation has started to become repetitive as fuck post timeskip. Doffy, cracker, katakuri, kaido, kizaru...... Every time, same shit. No originality, no tension. Food as a way to prolong arcs is the laziest plot device ever seen by...
  10. Rednick


    Do we miss a page or sth? why so few pages?
  11. Rednick

    Controversial What's the most important trait for a yonko to have

    Charisma is the most important trait in the real world. In One Piece is definitely Power(advanced haki, Coc, combat skill). With power you gain strong followers and build an empire. Power is also the only common trait all yonko have (except buggy of course).
  12. Rednick

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Well, considering how many useless characters wano had, that guy from piratefolk is definitely correct. And i would add to the list King as well. He should have been an ex impel down officer since his outfit is very similar to Magellan's and queen originally accused him of being a sadist(a...
  13. Rednick

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Not unpopular but rather has fallen under the radar. Are we keep gonna ingnoring the fact that dragon and drake have way too many simirarities, not to be associated with each other? 1) Both are associated with the symbol X, 2) Both are former marines who believe marines are corrupted and need to...
  14. Rednick

    Fanclub Kizaru saves his friends and finally follows his own dreams Fanclub

    So thats what is gonna happen? Every single important figure will become Nika's ally? Boriiiiiinnnngggggggg
  15. Rednick

    Questions & Mysteries Most wasted character potential?

    Top 5 for me: -Bogard.... -Drake.... -Kyoshirou: made no impact in wano at all -Shiki(since strong world is non canon, the guy ve been missing for 20 years, where the fuck is he?) -Enel: can be one of the very strongest, just needs coa, yet oda decided to sent him to the moon.
  16. Rednick

    Speculations Mihawk & Imu Conection Solved. Mihawk is "Celestial Dragon" Confirmed?

    I meant that they accepted him as a warlord not bc of his celestial blood but bc he blackmailed them (since he knows the dark secrets of the world goverment). Not that he is weak or anything but blackmailing was the main reason.
  17. Rednick

    Speculations Mihawk & Imu Conection Solved. Mihawk is "Celestial Dragon" Confirmed?

    I could see mihawk being related to a celestial but that means nothing plot wise. He is still a pirate. If he was important to the goverment why would they sent marines to hunt him down? Eitherway the goverment doesnt care for "traitors". Doffy was a warlord simply because he knew too much...
  18. Rednick

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    Where the fuck is the chapter?
  19. Rednick

    Controversial Whats a moment you wish did/didnt happen

    Did happen: If we are talking about one specific moment then it was kinemon not dieing after kaido's headshot. Seriously kinemon's death by kaido would make the arc sooooooo much better for so many reasons. That moment was basically the lowest point one piece ever had been for me. Didnt happen...