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  1. BillSlipton

    Can you defeat 100 penguins 1v1?

    I could take on at least 25, 12 year olds in 1v1's before I started getting tired. The penguins stand no chance
  2. BillSlipton

    Can you defeat 100 penguins 1v1?

    Ridiculous. I could slam 10 penguins head first into a rock without breaking a sweat. You ever worked construction or any type of steel fabrication?
  3. BillSlipton

    Anime & Manga Sbs volume 85 clarifies speed feat in Wano

    I can pick a favorite but I do get what you're saying. The essence of one piece doesn't boil down to one character. Remove one strawhat and the story is different, flawed even.
  4. BillSlipton

    Anime & Manga Sbs volume 85 clarifies speed feat in Wano

    Yeah, in their perspective you're either a sanji fanboy or you have an anti zoro agenda. From there on, it's all out of context panels and a delusional twisting of reality.
  5. BillSlipton

    Anime & Manga Sbs volume 85 clarifies speed feat in Wano

    I've been preaching this since the day the chapter dropped
  6. BillSlipton

    Anime & Manga Sbs volume 85 clarifies speed feat in Wano

    Damn didn't know zoro fans were so mad that chopper is faster than him
  7. BillSlipton

    General & Others What can Sanji do/learn to reach the levels that the fandom expects him to reach post 1139?

    He's already at that tier. I'd like to see pre wano luffy perform as well as sanji did vs the elders and all of egghead Just his speed feat alone vs queen is unique in the story and unchallenged by even kizaru. I never understood the sanji downplay. Oda keeps shoving it in your face that he's...
  8. BillSlipton

    Speculations Shanks and Gaban are most likely VERY close

    I'd say yeah probably. Would share the zoro, Rayleigh, mihawk, parallel.
  9. BillSlipton

    Speculations Who is Rayleigh’s SH parallel?

    Agreed. True wings of the pirate king
  10. BillSlipton

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1139 Spoilers Discussion

    Exactly. I knew this moment would come. It's the only reason I check in on here every week. The stories been the same for decades now.
  11. BillSlipton

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1139 Spoilers Discussion

    It's FYCKING OVERRRR4R4:shocked::shocked::shocked:
  12. BillSlipton

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    You're smoking crack. We have different debate style and approach. I've never threatened to shoot anyone... You blend into the endless sea of fallatio dispensing sword swallowers, jerking off their green haired boy every 2 seconds
  13. BillSlipton

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1136 Spoilers Discussion

    No sanji. Dogshit chapter
  14. BillSlipton

    General & Others Gaban isn’t sanji

    It's kind of wild the cope this has brought forth
  15. BillSlipton

    Does this site feel dead to you?

    Wait until something big happens again. It'll pop off just like in wano
  16. BillSlipton

    General & Others Sandai vs Sanji

    Brain dead theory. Whyd you waste your time making this? We all know oda would never go this route
  17. BillSlipton

    Questions & Mysteries Team Gaban or Team Shiki?

    Not shiki. Shiki has the head piece already