I've just figured it out, the massive shadows back in thriller bark covered by the mist, the ancient robot, Oars, Little Oars Junior!
The Ancient Robot summoned the surviving Ancient Giants!
When Luffy awakened his devil fruit (Wano), the Sea Kings noticed. Shirahoshi sent them to Egghead along with her brothers to help Luffy. The Underwater Army led by Neputes Son's riding on Sea Kings attack the marine ships surrounding egghead.
Recently I've been going mad in putting together clues as to who Luffy's mother is.
We know she's NOT Garps daughter as we've received actual confirmation that Garp IS Dragon's father.
We know she's NOT a revolutionary as none of the Revolutionaries other than Kuma knew Dragon had a son.
Marines surrounding God Valley mirrors the Marines surrounding Egghead.
Two Pirates groups (Grand Fleet & Blackbeard Lackeys) invading which then breaks out into a war, could be foreshadowing.
Strawhat Pirates vs Blackbeard Pirates could happen sooner than you think.
This is a compounded theory by hear me out!
Theory number one: The original pacifista were modeled after the ancient robot that's in Egghead, including some of its programming.
Kuma, the original pacifista suddenly attacks Mary Geoise recreating the very same incident from 200 years ago done...
- Luffy is clowning Kizaru and lands a 'fatal' blow.
- His G5 powers negate logia powers as he can 'control' his surroundings.
- Luffy uses kizaru and fires a laser beam lol.
- Grand Fleet arrive at the end of the chapter 'A great incident is about to unfold' - possible connection to what was...
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