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  1. Galahad

    Bougya The Great Debate: ACoC or not?

    Why do I have to prove anything to you? You are the one who is taking things for granted and accusing others of not knowing how to read and being biased without any proof. Even so, I have no problem showing it to you with images and texts taken from the manga, although as always I assume that...
  2. Galahad

    Bougya The Great Debate: ACoC or not?

    Since you read so much, share with us the text where it is said that covering an object or a part of the body is not the same. Or is it something you made up? We have seen how Zoro initially covered his fists before his swords. Even Zoro himself claims that he used CoA to withstand King's...
  3. Galahad

    Bougya The Great Debate: ACoC or not?

    - Imagine that Zoro used CoA barrier to protect himself from King's explosion. - Imagine that Hyogoro used CoA to coat his hand, like Zoro coats his swords... - Imagine the guy who doesn't read the manga or constantly ignores it calls other biases.
  4. Galahad

    Break Week You better hope Zoro defeats Lucci in ch1111

    I see you smoke rootbeer. Imagine thinking that green + black = purple. And all that taken from non-original material.
  5. Galahad

    Break Week You better hope Zoro defeats Lucci in ch1111

    Since you can't refute it, it's a false argument. That is the definition of being biased. Meanwhile, I gave you an explanation for everything, even if you don't like it, even for things that are not original material.
  6. Galahad

    Break Week You better hope Zoro defeats Lucci in ch1111

    The issue of colors is a minor and inconsequential matter. It's not that it's a mistake, it's that Oda doesn't do it. It is very simple to solve this. Tell me the King of Hell attack that Zoro used. Oda did that. Or if he doesn't admit your mistake, both things can't be.
  7. Galahad

    Break Week You better hope Zoro defeats Lucci in ch1111

    It's a shame that the manga has no color and that the smoke is the same both times. And before you give me that adaptation, Oda didn't do that and we already saw many errors, among them the smoke which I guess they decided to make purple because it is Enma's color. Additionally, before using...
  8. Galahad

    Break Week You better hope Zoro defeats Lucci in ch1111

    Oh really? We saw the green smoke for the first time in chapter 955 and then several times before the name King of Hell was coined. And once again, I can give you 4-5 panels of the manga where Zoro doesn't use any serious attacks. There is no bandana, which indicates that Zoro is getting...
  9. Galahad

    Break Week You better hope Zoro defeats Lucci in ch1111

    Prove it. Give me the panel where I use any of the King of Hell's attacks. What's more, a panel where you can use any attack with any name. The only one who is twisting things is you, even without any evidence, you continue defending your position and even worse, criticizing the position of...
  10. Galahad

    Break Week You better hope Zoro defeats Lucci in ch1111

    Not even the visual criteria show such a thing and I warn you to be careful what you say. We have seen Zoro and Lucci's fight 5 times and only one of them saw named attacks, being the cat's ending. You can't expect people to believe that when we didn't see them they did something completely...
  11. Galahad

    Break Week You better hope Zoro defeats Lucci in ch1111

    show me a panel where Zoro says the name King of Hell. If you cannot prove it, nor rectify it, it is already clear who is partial.
  12. Galahad

    Bougya The Great Debate: ACoC or not?

    Forget about the rays if you wish. Oda cannot grant a visual effect, which we have seen on many occasions and have not been able to know what it means, to a Power Up that already has its exclusive and perfectly clear visual effect. What you propose is illogical. It cannot be that the same...
  13. Galahad

    Bougya The Great Debate: ACoC or not?

    It's not touching the tree. There is always internal damage in the AdvCoA, it's just that there is more in one than the other. When it doesn't hit it is less damage and when it hits it is more damage. It's a shame that if the attack hits we can't know if there was AdvCoA if they don't tell us...
  14. Galahad

    Bougya The Great Debate: ACoC or not?

    No, Luffy has moments where he doesn't hit before using CoC. Hitting without touching is a feature only of the AdvCoA. And then if two AdvCoC attacks collide. That's why we see how many attacks with CoC end up hitting their enemies. Luffy included.
  15. Galahad

    Bougya The Great Debate: ACoC or not?

    Nah, you have to laugh at them for a while hahahaha
  16. Galahad

    Bougya The Great Debate: ACoC or not?

    Like you, only happier.
  17. Galahad

    Bougya The Great Debate: ACoC or not?

    We never saw Zoro hit without touching, which is a first for Luffy. Luffy sure knows how to use both. The thing about Zoro is strange because it was a very early moment in the series, let's not look for a 100% exact explanation.
  18. Galahad

    Bougya The Great Debate: ACoC or not?

    I agree that Oda is more than me. Tell me where Oda said or drew that there was CoC in that attack. :choppawhat:
  19. Galahad

    Bougya The Great Debate: ACoC or not?

    Togen Totsuka and Zoro's Asura against Kaido are exceptions that I attribute to a very low level. In any case, they are attacks that we had to clarify because there was no way to know. Nobody here talked about CoC and there are no contrails. Then there is no CoC until proven otherwise. And...
  20. Galahad

    Bougya The Great Debate: ACoC or not?

    No AdvCoC. The AdvCoC are trails that start from the weapon/part imbued in it.