In the case of Shanks you can see how the AdvCoC of his sword leaks, in the case of Zoro it does not. Against King you can see how the AdvCoC of Zoro's swords is filtered in several scenes. That is the difference.
Luffy tells you that he wants to learn to hit without touching. And Hyo shows...
In Japanese it is called Shirohigue hahahaha
The AdvCoA has two known levels:
- Hit without touching, causing minor internal damage.
- Introduce your CoA into the opponent and make it explode causing greater damage.
Old Hyo explained that. I can give you images if you like.
The same attack may or may not have AdvCoC depending on the user's preferences. Shanks' Kamusari does have AdvCoC and you can see the contrails perfectly and not the rays.
When Roger and Shirohigue clash attacks, trails are seen on their weapons.
Hitting without touching is an effect of...
I gave you a lot of examples and a lot of "exceptions" friend. And more than I can tell you.
Zoro is not the only character in One Piece, although for some it seems so. The rules have to be followed for everyone, not just Zoro.
If you say that attack contains AdvCoC, then Ulti's attack on...
There is no 100% AdvCoC.
The AdvCoC are trails that start from the weapon/part imbued in it, as for example in this images:
However, on this occasion what we are seeing are rays that start from the point of impact, something that we have seen many times even without AdvCoC users, such...
Not Iai style, not KoH, not Asura.
Can you tell me if Zoro still doesn't have a good repertoire of more powerful attacks that he didn't use against Lucci?
Totally agree. But this case is also much more ridiculous than usual.
-Because Luffy used the G5 to defeat Lucci, it's not like he defeated him in base mode.
- On top of that, Zoro doesn't even use AdvCoC.
I mean the premise in itself is silly, but on top of that it's a lie. Has it all
Zoro has not used AdvCoC to defeat Lucci. The AdvCoC are trails that start from the weapon/imbued part. Here you can see perfectly how Zoro's swords are clean.
What there is are rays that we have seen many times without CoC involved. And we don't really know what they mean.
It is not AdvCoC. AdvCoC comes out of CoC-imbued weapons/parts.
Here you can see perfectly that the swords are clean. What you see are rays that we have seen many times in users without CoC.
It is not AdvCoC. AdvCoC comes out of CoC imbued weapons/parts.
Here you can see perfectly that the swords are clean. What you see are rays that we have seen many times in users without CoC.
It is not AdvCoC. AdvCoC leaves some traces behind it that we don't see here. What we see are rays that Oda has been using for a long time without an exact pattern.
I doubt Zoro vs Kizaru will happen.
But it's curious, when Kizaru was running as Sanji's opponent, he was the strongest Admiral and Fujittora was the weakest. :choppawhat:
Luffy used the G5. Beyond time, how many attacks do you think Lucci will endure? More or less than with Luffy?
Your arguments are so bad that in the end Oda will make you red in the face.
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