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  1. Kyojin

    General & Others Skypeia Arc and it’s foreshadowing of future events in One Piece

    So, Skypiea Arc seems to be Oda’s Boiling Pot of Foreshadow. I created this thread so that we could find and list all events in Skypiea that have connections to future One Piece events. I’ll start it off.
  2. Kyojin

    Speculations Vegapunk didn’t create the weapon

    People right now seem to assume that Vegapunk created the weapon that destroyed Lulusia, but I don’t think that’s the case. I think the weapon we see in the sky is still the Ancient Weapon Uranus and that Vegapunk only created a fuel source to momentarily power it. Imu calls the invention...
  3. Kyojin

    Speculations The Face of Imu

    Do I have your attention? Well, I'm going to hop straight in... I was recently reading Akira after a couple of years and one of the first few panels caught my attention. The explosion that occurs in Tokyo exactly resembles the one that took place on Lulusia. At first I was just thinking that it...
  4. Kyojin

    Speculations There's An Imposter Among Us

    Since 2018, we've questioned the panel of Shanks meeting with the Gorosei in Chapter 907. Why was he able to meet with them? How did he maneuver through Marie Jois? Who was the pirate they needed to talk about? All of these questions have been on our mind for years and Oda has yet to reveal...
  5. Kyojin

    Questions & Mysteries Was This The First Appearance of a God's Knight?

    Picture of Panel (image upload not working) This isn't a member of the Gorosei, nor would it be anyone under them such as a Celestial Dragon, or a common guard due to the knowledge of Imu being a secret. Is it possible that this is actually one of God's Knights? The person acknowledges them...
  6. Kyojin

    Questions & Mysteries Vira Has Already Appeared In The Story

    Based on all of the facts we’ve gotten about Vira (Villa), it seems to be an island/country that’s continuously in turmoil and was somewhat saved by the Revolutionary Army. During the “Void Month” the Road to Laugh Tale was released. In the booklet was various information about the One...
  7. Kyojin

    Questions & Mysteries The Man, The Last Poneglyph, and Vira

    Where is the last Road Poneglyph? Why was it taken from Fishman Island? Who is the Man Marked by Flames? How does he possess or have knowledge of the last Road Poneglyph? How is he able to conjure whirlpools to cause dismay to those who near him? A thousand questions could be asked that...