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  1. Bob74h

    Controversial General Political Discussion,industries%20more%20accessible%20to%20all. looks like they are
  2. Bob74h

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    copyright only benefits the elites the copyright laws only exist to serve the intrests of rich people who all share the same belief system as you maybe your defending these corpos not cause it helps people but because it helps rich people who push the leftist agenda\ gotta defend the...
  3. Bob74h

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    if im to create x fan comic or whatever and some guy posts it all over and sells it making profit off of my idea, realistically what can i do to stop him??? nothing literallly nothing unless you have the money to sue for copyright infringement or at least threaten to do so then you...
  4. Bob74h

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    unless you are some rich company there's nothing you can do to stop some dude from adapting or stealing your idea cause you simply lack the resources to enforce copyright in the art space online, if you want you can create an alternate version of whomever's story and there's nothing anyone...
  5. Bob74h

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    you dont make anything, why would you know about copyright literally have a public deviant art page but lie lie lie that's all leftists can do there's literally zero profit for most creatives online, it's a mostly a for fun thing
  6. Bob74h

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    actually here's the ironic part of this statement technically there's around 20 or so artworks commissioned by me and here's the thing, copyright laws has never gained me any money or helped me in the fucking slightest there's no real means for me to enforce copyright or make money on my...
  7. Bob74h

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    your acting like every artist can make a living online selling shit what happened to nameless why is he banned
  8. Bob74h

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    most artists dont have the money to sue people for copyright claims so yea pretty much only helps the rich
  9. Bob74h

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    so you can make a superman film without it. being plagiarism 1707440635 no copyright only serves to increase profits of the rich and allow companies to monopolize on generic ideas that in reality be adapted in a million fucking ways most stories you love only exist because some ideas...
  10. Bob74h

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    copyright is dumb if there was no public domain and everything was copy righted marvel wouldt have been allowed to adapt norse mythology and tons of series would never been made 1707435783 pretty much everyone has some factor allowing them to suceed where others have failed say...
  11. Bob74h

    Yu-Gi-Oh General Thread

    this guy said locals mostly use meta decks and sentiment in this thread was the same ''decks can be played for ~$50 without handtraps or otherwise expensive cards, but those decks will be at a massive disadvantage'' locals are about as meta as anything else cause only meta players play...
  12. Bob74h

    Yu-Gi-Oh General Thread

    not really it's as meta as ycs or worlds it's pretty much the same decks used all decks from the newest sets it's the same style of play
  13. Bob74h

    Yu-Gi-Oh General Thread

    ignoring that the meta strats are not the normal way of playing for classic yugioh just cause there's no causual scene in modern yugioh does not mean such a thing does not exist for classic yugioh
  14. Bob74h

    Yu-Gi-Oh General Thread love how my public thread had the second comment complain about modern yugioh not prompted by me or anything but guess it's just a me issue
  15. Bob74h

    Yu-Gi-Oh General Thread

    same guy who makes rants on leftists,pokemon fans,god of war fans and boruto fans yugioh fans is perfectly in character for me ive complained about them before on my youtube ok bet run 2005 era destiny heroes and ill insert whatever meta shit you people like let's see how far that...
  16. Bob74h

    Yu-Gi-Oh General Thread

    5ds/synchro era ruined the game they had a focus on speed and every generation of yugioh following kept increasing the pace cause the playerbase by that point was only meta people ie people who go to ycs and use ftk shit it's to the point that power creep cant even have a synchro era deck...
  17. Bob74h

    Yu-Gi-Oh General Thread

    nobody cares about the tcg decks tho like anime only's might buy stardust cause ohh yusei played it and me like yusei but people who like the tcg only garbage are only liking it cause it summons more stuff in a turn relative to the other decks nobody cares about dragon link nobody...
  18. Bob74h

    Yu-Gi-Oh General Thread

    summon 90 cards in a turn how unique not like every modern yugioh deck functions that exact same way since meta players only want faster and faster versions of yusei's turbo deck cause screw being unique just continue 5ds's speed gimmick for every deck ever no it just makes player...
  19. Bob74h

    Yu-Gi-Oh General Thread

    was talking of the animation not current sets released the only anime cards showed there was the ones in duel monsters that's if you play at a hyper meta lv like modern yugioh fans only ever do people who like classic yugioh arent generally playing to win in the first turn...
  20. Bob74h

    Yu-Gi-Oh General Thread

    literally didt have any anime decks outside of shit from duel monsters where was stardust dragon performapals and so on those are far more iconic then half of the tcg only nonsense that nobody even plays anymore