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  1. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    I see. I get along with both of you so I will refrain from commenting.
  2. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    What was the beef about?
  3. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    Who and what are you talking about?
  4. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    Marco using named moves in Wano but not against admiraLs :jordanmf:
  5. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    :seriously: Try reading the manga. I know you only read the Zoro and Sakazuki bits but try. Then after this panel 20 min pass: And Luffy couldn't do shit but run and try and avoid the strongs: Now imagine non Gamma knife Mingo who starts in awakening :bamathink:
  6. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    Na he called her grip strong. That's the context of the statement. I see you are also avoiding how she likely would not have gotten him in that grip 1v1. She got blitzed plain and simple. All he would have to do is follow up with an Elephant Gatling which is > a number of Thunder bagua's as it...
  7. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    Based on what we saw Ulti would not get a grip on Luffy in the first place in a 1v1 based on how she got blitzed. That's my point. You are using a 2v1 to justify Luffy having to use G4 to break a grip. A grip that likely would never have happened 1v1 cause we were shown she couldn't keep up...
  8. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    Let's make a long story short. Replace any F6 member with Mingo. Do they even make it past Law and Gamma knife? Then can they fight G2/3 Luffy and then G4 Luffy? Ulti and Pageone got blitzed by G2 Luffy. I don't see them handling an Elephant Gatling. Yeah but Playa is the one who brought that...
  9. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    Read my response to Playa. He implied that current Luffy wasn't able to do what I claimed Mingo can. Which isn't true. He was only in G2 vs ulti and pageone. Moreover, that logic doesn't follow. If Primebeard can one panel Luffy and Ulti, that doesn't mean Luffy can't one panel Ulti. I doubt...
  10. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    I said Doflamingo would two panel most of the Flying 6. Your response was that even current Luffy wouldn't. This is just not true. He wasn't even serious enough to use G4 vs Ulti and Pageone. If he knocked PageOne out temporarily with an Elephant Gun, then he would knock the majority out with...
  11. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    I don't that matters much. I don't think Franky or any of the Flying 6 have Sanji's speed. Even he got caught quickly by Mingo. So you agree G4 Luffy one panels all F6 members with his new Kong Gun?
  12. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    G4 Luffy would one panel them with his new Kong Gun. I don't see any of them really that much stronger than Dressrosa Sanji who got destroyed.
  13. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    Let's be real, Doflamingo would two-panel the majority of the Flying 6.
  14. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    Apoo got up so what? If Zoro wanted him dead then he would have killed him after his attack the previous chapter. Or just not used a no name move to take him down.
  15. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    That better be a half chapter flashback :seriously:
  16. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    That's just DF advantage. He easily handled Aokiji despite being ragged and in bad condition from prison.
  17. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    Apoo is a walking plot device at this point :seriously:
  18. Seraphoenix

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    What was the last arc you liked from OP?