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  1. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    It doesn't matter whether a young Mihawk is stronger than an old Rayleigh. Rayleigh is still vastly superior to Luffy and was going hard on him. Both Mihawk and Rayleigh had to adjust their power levels to not wreck those two fodders. So I don't see your point.
  2. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    You said Zoro losing an eye proves he came out stronger than Luffy from the TS. Which has logically nothing to do with each other. A lost eye is no proof that he trained harder. Luffy trained as hard as he could. You think Rayleigh was going easy on him? He even forbid Hancock to bring him food...
  3. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    What is Luffy's ambition though? To be the freest man. He doesn't put that aside when saving his friends. But Zoro was specifically shown to put his ambition behind. Either way. There is no argument here that supports Zoro being > Luffy at the beginning of post TS.
  4. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    Zoro bowed down to Mihawk, with Mihawk saying that Zoro found a purpose greater than his own ambition. Which is, to be a good right hand man to Luffy. He was willing to give his own life for Luffy at TB. The vivre card also stated, that Zoro is now even more reliable as Luffy's right hand man...
  5. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    Different attacks and different circumstances. The same Luffy that was pummeled by Bellamy, could block attacks from Doflamingo with Haki, even awakened. And? Rayleigh is still a top tier and the former right hand man of Roger. Who trained Luffy in the forms of Haki and had sparring with him...
  6. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    Using invisible Haki (?) and saying it is not good enough to handle this kind of damage just now. Having Bellamy break through his Haki (though this doesn't automatically imply inferior Haki; Kong Gun also broke through Katakuri's superior Haki. So the force behind the attack is also important)...
  7. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    Later in Wano, he was able to predict the future 3 steps ahead. He definitely mastered FS during his fight with Katakuri, rather than having it manifested inbetween WCI and Wano.
  8. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    Luffy fought Doflamingo along with Law. He didn't really grow from that fight. Which was seen against Cracker, where he again was overwhelmed and beat him with a cheap shot when having aid from Nami. His stats didn't improve. His Haki didn't improve. Only vs. Katakuri, he really had a power up...
  9. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    Yeah. An arc earlier tho. In this arc, Luffy is already fucking with Yonkos. While Zoro can finally take on a commander.
  10. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    Yeah, by learning FS in a short period of time, while Zoro was just gifted a new weapon he could handle well, mainly because he, according to Tengu, wields Wado. Talking about growth rate. :yasu:
  11. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    Let the Kaido cut thing be headcanon until it becomes canon, rite? Beating King, great. Beating a YC1 after a power up (Enma), something Luffy did an arc before already and in this arc, yet improved his CoA to a new level as well.
  12. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    I feel some salty Zolo fans, that don't want Luffy to be on a tier higher than Zolo. According to them, Zolo came out stronger from the TS and it was actually Luffy who caught up to his right hand man. They want to have Zolo as close as possible to Luffy. :yasu:
  13. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    It's just symbolic, as Luffy is the symbolic 5th Yonko. He better should, because Blackbeard is going to be an even nastier opponent with his Yami + Gura combo.
  14. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    Yonko Luffy YC1 Zoro YC2 Sanji YC3 Jinbe
  15. comrade

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

    Looks like Kanjuro's DF is actually pretty powerful. Lol.