Current Events “6 Kilometers” Debunked - Proof of How Small Onigashima Really Is


Sasaki Kojirō

Dragon Kaido compared to the size of the capital, how big is DRAGON KAIDO?

Dragon KAIDO was overshadowed by the length and breadth of ONIGASHIMA.

KAIDO in relation to the city:
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@Cinera @playa4321 @Sentinel yes, depending on the angle, Kaido's size truly is humongous and you could make a case for him having a length of a km easily.

His head alone might be around ~20m.
More than 20 meters easily.
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So, we finally get to see how tiny Onigashima is this chapter:

Big Mom is what? 20 feet tall? And yet, she is clearly visible when being pushed off of Onigashima. Meaning the distance from the horn to the skull looks to be what? 200 feet at maximum?

And you can tell from the way the “smoke trail” behind her heads horizontally off of the Skull, that we aren’t witnessing a perspective issue, Onigashima is literally just that small. Or Oda is an atrocious artist but I doubt he’s that awful lol.

Either way, this shit isn’t even close to a kilometer like some were saying so ridiculously lol.

Looks like my original Onigashima scaling was lightning accurate, but actually I may have even downplayed Marineford a bit:

@ShishioIsBack @Cinera @Bogard @LuthonTheDragDown @Light D Lamperouge @Owl Ki @MarineHQ62 @silverfire @playa4321 @Sentinel
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