[FNZ] Role Madness A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones Mafia Game Thread

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Ima lean town on Neeko, him trying to figure out RippedCal and Chevy looks genuine to me.

Ratchet also vibes towny but they also vibe like someone who I'd be foolish to give an easy town read to. I just get that sort of impression of them somehow.

I've played plenty of games with him on other sites
Would you say you've liked Ratchets entrance then? I've thought it's been subpar at best


The End and the Beginning
Skimming over what I missed.

Soul is being aggressive. I like it, I think he's missed playing Mafia this last month. Ekko feels super "safe" so far.


Haven't got anything else lol

Back to Umineko I go


When were you under the impression this game is..
Skimming over what I missed.

Soul is being aggressive. I like it, I think he's missed playing Mafia this last month. Ekko feels super "safe" so far.


Haven't got anything else lol

Back to Umineko I go
Don't come back till you finished it mister.
can someone please further explain the suspicion around arp? personally, i saw the whole being upset about the vote on him thing more as newbie play and not alignment indicative so i dont really have a town/scum read on him yet but im curious if there was anything else about it that i missed
....I say this but then I actually sorta vibe with his take that those two guys talking about their "special chat" might just be openwolfing and telling us they got a chat of their own. It's not something I'd commit to this early tho.
Nevermind, his flavor talk actually goes beyond this little tidbit, in fact up to page 8 it seems to be all he's doing
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