[FNZ] Role Madness A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones Mafia Game Thread

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Asking Gram so far nothing.
Well I handed it over during the night.
Unless someone else got it...

Fair enough with regards to points 2 and 3

There's no way I bussed pero though cmon man.
Why not?
In the other game I played parallel to this the scum team did just that.
We had a wagon on scum and they created a wagon on another scum.
Ive seen it over and over.
It will take much more than one vote to confirm anyone as town.


What could have been...
Game of Thrones Mafia - Day 2

Day 2 Final Vote Count

Arp 16 - Worst, RippedCal, Phoenix, TPein, Hime, Pero, Dofla, Blue, Soulkiller, Nana, Charlie, Pot Goblin, Neeko, KWEH, Lethal Banks, Kagurashii, Underworld Broker

Duel Votes (Vote power is not reflected in a duel)

Ekko 16 - Michelle, Hime, Fuji, Kweh, Tpein, Kagurashii, Charlie, Dofla, Cooler, Ratchet, Melkor, Blue, Wakanda, Pot Goblin, Soulkiller, Lethal Banks

The colossus had fallen ... Peroroncino was

Ser Gregor Clegane ‘The Mountain that Rides’
1xStrongman, Resilience, Champion, Rage

‘Some dead man …’

Congratulations, you are Ser Gregor Clegane, Lannister Alliance Aligned! A hulking brute of a man, you stand at nearly 8ft tall and over 30st of muscle. The elder brother of Sandor Clegane, whom you horribly disfigured as a boy, you are now the enforcement arm of Tywin Lannister, and carry out his orders unquestioningly.

A regular user of Milk of the Poppy to dull your constant headaches, you have an unmatched talent for brutality and violence, and a habit of murdering anything you feel like. Your armor is incomprehensibly heavy, and no ordinary man could hope to move in it, let alone fight.

In this game, you have the following roles:

1x Strongman - If performing the factional kill, you may upgrade it and provided you are able to reach your target, you will bypass all protective and redirective abilities on them.

Resilience - You cannot be killed by standard strength killing actions, and cannot be affected by bleeds. If you are afflicted with poison and die, your role will be updated provided Cersei Lannister is still alive also.

Rage - If you perform 2 consecutive factional killing actions, your role will be updated accordingly.

Champion (Redacted from flip unless triggerered)- If a member of your team is targeted for a duel, you will represent the Lannister Alliance in combat - you will permanently switch roles with your teammate.

You win when you control the voting majority, and/or nothing can prevent this.

A bastard's comeuppance ... ARP was ...

Ramsay Snow
1x Janitor, 4x Tracker, Reek

‘Ramsay. Snow, my wife called me before she ate her fingers, but I say Bolton.’

Congratulations, you are Ramsay Snow, Lannister Alliance Aligned! A malicious sadist, and the bastard son of Roose Bolton, you possess little of the restraint and discretion your lord father is famous for, instead choosing to parade your cruelty in the open, whether it be flaying your enemies alive, raping women and then flaying them, or feeding them to your hounds, or perhaps most notoriously, your treatment of your prisoner, Theon Greyjoy, whom you have rechristened as your manservant, Reek, having forcibly castrated and removed several fingers, toes and teeth from him, and covered him in excrement from various sources.

Deeply resentful of your lowborn status, you seek to impress and please your lord father in any way you can, despite consistently (and paradoxically) never listening to his advice.

In this game, you have the following roles:

- 1x Janitor (If performing the faction kill, you may conceal the body. You will receive a writeup detailing the dead players role)

- 4x Tracker (You may learn who, if anyone, a player visited during the night)

- Reek (Redacted)

You win when you control the voting majority, and/or nothing can prevent this.

It is now night 2. You have 24 hours.
i want to hear it. confess
you raped my sister
you killed her children
yada yada
who ordered you??
Well I handed it over during the night.
Unless someone else got it...

Why not?
In the other game I played parallel to this the scum team did just that.
We had a wagon on scum and they created a wagon on another scum.
Ive seen it over and over.
It will take much more than one vote to confirm anyone as town.
You don't just look at the vote when consider bussing though

You look at the whole context of the situation

If im red i could have just left the thread and ducked the phase and hoped pero didn't get the requisite votes

Instead I spent hours tagging and pushing.

You don't do that to a teammate
Soulkiller cleared for being the first to go for Arp

Neeko probably cleared for being the first to commit for a vote on Arp, plus Arp pushed aback against it immediately and did himself no favors in the process. Neeko eventually found reasons to back off from Arp and he's definitely capable of pulling a switcharoo like that as scum, but I'd like to think that when doing something like this, he'd do it with a partner that isn't new to this game, because I don't think bussing newbies is his style.

That's the extent of patience I've had for rereading the game at night x)
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