Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

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I challenge you to go read his “I told you” list lol. Literally all his predictions are elementary at best, with the exception of Shanks meeting the Gorosei.

“I told you the WG will have a secret boss”-yeah, so did 100% of OP fans lol

“I told you Big Mom will help Luffy in Wano”-this hasn’t even happened at all lol, even if you count the Udon shit, I wouldn’t call this her helping Luffy.

“I told you Ben Beckmann was low top tier”-I’ll do you one better, @ShishioIsBack in Discord predicted power levels of all Yonko crews that has thus far been proven 100% accurate. Literally his predictions on them have either all been proven right, or at the least haven’t been contradicted in the slightest.

“I told you Sengoku will have CoC”-I’d been saying that since back on OJ when Red was arguing that CoC wasn’t a marine power, don’t know when he changed his mind lol.

And other stuff like that. There is literally nothing special about 99% of his predictions. Anyone who feels the need to incessantly defend their own credibility would embarrass him with their prediction list.
Not to tip my own horns but I was telling people

"Benn Beckman is a low top tier and strongest first mate besides maybe Shiryu and beats Marco" all the way in 2017 when I joined Oro Jackson and everyone was defending the shit outta Marco.

Its not hard to predict at the end of the day it will end up looking something like this

Shiryu > Beckman > Marco > King >= Katakuri

I made a thread questioning the validity of "Page One was defeated by Sanji" well before whole anime and latest Page One returns fiasco happened and Sanjitards were triggered calling me names.

When I tell you Dressrosa Luffy < Dressrosa Zoro and Zoro will defeat without anymore power ups, yall better listen.
The man who tried to prove Daifuku was a former Sweet Commander by looking at his socks is trying to gloat about someone else being wrong. :gokulaugh:
Former Sweet Commander Daifuku tho :hihihi:
Yall acting like I didnt predict Katakuri's teeth, Big Meme eating MC and Elbaf being a Sky island. But I wont talk too much:myman:

Plus SC Daikfuku still has some chance....:few:


I will never forgive Oda
Thats the small village that Meme grew up in. The real Elbaf is up that tree and is a sky island....

Like Jack and beanstalk.

Predicted this in 2015:cheers:
But that's not a Sky Island Lil D. We don't call Marie Geois a Sky Island because it's 10k above the ocean. If there's an Elbaf village above that tree, it's just a village atop a large land structure on an ordinary island.