Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

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Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
I challenge you to go read his “I told you” list lol. Literally all his predictions are elementary at best, with the exception of Shanks meeting the Gorosei.

“I told you the WG will have a secret boss”-yeah, so did 100% of OP fans lol

“I told you Big Mom will help Luffy in Wano”-this hasn’t even happened at all lol, even if you count the Udon shit, I wouldn’t call this her helping Luffy.

“I told you Ben Beckmann was low top tier”-I’ll do you one better, @ShishioIsBack in Discord predicted power levels of all Yonko crews that has thus far been proven 100% accurate. Literally his predictions on them have either all been proven right, or at the least haven’t been contradicted in the slightest.

“I told you Sengoku will have CoC”-I’d been saying that since back on OJ when Red was arguing that CoC wasn’t a marine power, don’t know when he changed his mind lol.

And other stuff like that. There is literally nothing special about 99% of his predictions. Anyone who feels the need to incessantly defend their own credibility would embarrass him with their prediction list.
As someone who was apart of the theorist movement during 2014-2017, I naturally feel some type of way about guys flaunting their predictions lol. Guys like that were labeled was not being humbled and they never lasted long. I shit you not, most of the things in Red's list was predicted in the 2014-2015 era including Shanks partnerning with WG.
You were wrong about the bountiy increases after WCI and the prolonged Z + S reunion tho....

But we not gonna talk about that:hihihi:
What was my prolonged Z and S prediction? As far as I remember all I said about that was that it wouldn't be a big deal when it happened, and... it wasn't.

And for the bounty predictions I said there wouldn't be crew wide raises and only Luffy and maybe Sanji would get one. Which turned out to be right. I didn't double down on it and say it was 100% happening, and I definitely didn't get Luffy's actual bounty right though.