Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

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@SmokedOut @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung

@sanjikun: "My fellow Yonkou Fans, as your new leader, I…"

(Jet lands in the middle of the rally.)

sanjikun: "Who disrupts my coronation!"

(@ShishioIsBack jumps out of the jet and the jet turns into @Den_Den_Mushi.)

ShishioIsBack: "Coronation, sanjikun? This is bad comedy."

sanjikun: "@ZenZu, is that you?"

ShishioIsBack: "Here's a hint."

(After killing sanjikun.)

ShishioIsBack: "Will anyone else attempt to fill his shoes?"

@LANJI CUCKSMOKE: "What did he say his name was?"

ShishioIsBack: "ShishioIsBack!"

Everyone: "All hail ShishioIsBack! ShishioIsBack!"

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
Stumbled upon this KoL masterpiece from @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung after a reread :cantseeme::cantseeme:
What the even aying? Don Le Fishe only try to watch his videos to see what people talking about but he so hysteric it's impossible to understand what he trying to talk about...
Is he on drugs or something πŸ€”πŸ 